Posts Categorized: MS News

Fatigue in MS and what to do about it.

Interesting article from MS Nurse, Miranda. (Note –   BMSTC offers APS Therapy, Oxygen Therapy and a range of exercise classes such as Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and Physio which can help manage fatigue.) “Fatigue – that horrible overwhelming inability to do another thing, sometimes even to think straight, is one of the most disabling… Read more »

Government to allow council tax increases to fund social care

Source MS Society: Local councils in England are to be allowed to increase council tax to help raise money for social care, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed today. These new proposals could see some local areas increasing council tax by up to 6% over the next two years. Councils already have the power to increase… Read more »

Have you ever heard of paroxysmal symptoms?

Source MS Trust: Paroxysmal is a term that describes the way that some symptoms of multiple sclerosis come on very suddenly, last only a few seconds or minutes and then disappear just as quickly. Sometimes this cycle repeats a few times or, perhaps, many times in a day. Some people call them attacks, clusters, surges,… Read more »

Employment review finds people with MS lack support at work

Source MS Society: Many people with MS who feel able to work aren’t getting the right support in the workplace. This is according to a new report published by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for MS. This follows a year-long review into whether people with MS have the support they need to stay in,… Read more »

Age of onset for multiple sclerosis ‘linked to distance from equator’

Source The Guardian: People living in countries further away from the equator develop symptoms of multiple sclerosis at an earlier age, research suggests. Both genetic and environmental factors are believed to be to behind the development of multiple sclerosis (MS), with previous work revealing that prevalence of the disease is higher among those living further… Read more »

Funding for Portsmouth scientist, researching multiple sclerosis

Source ITV News: A University of Portsmouth scientist has won almost £180,000 to fund research that could help develop treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Dr Sassan Hafizi, a senior lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, has been awarded £177,930 by the MS Society to investigate the potentially beneficial role of a… Read more »

FDA Approval of 1st Progressive MS Treatment Awaited by Neurologists, Survey Finds

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: Neurologists in the U.S. expect — or, at least, highly anticipate — that Ocrevus (ocrelizumab), being developed by Roche as a treatment for both relapsing and progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), will be approved by year’s end, and a sizable number plan on quickly prescribing it, according to a recent update… Read more »

New drugs to face NHS affordability test

Source MS Society: Proposed changes to the drug approval process mean NHS England will assess how much they can afford to pay for new drugs. Under the plan, new drugs that are expected to cost the NHS more than £20 million a year would be subject to a ‘budget impact test’.  Read on.

£2 million of new MS research

Source MS Society: We’re proud to announce that 11 new projects have secured funding through our 2016 grant round. From investigating if a stroke drug could repair damage caused in MS to testing the benefits of specialist rehab, these projects cover a wide range of topics.  Read on.