Posts Categorized: Fundraising

Can you help?

Bottles of wine wanted please for our Quiz Night winning team, 8 bottles needed.  Also unopened and unwanted Christmas presents would be much appreciated.

Quiz night – Friday 8th March

Quiz night – Friday 8th March, teams of up to 8 people.  £8 per person.  The Barn, Foxhall Road, Didcot.  7.30pm start.  Money raised to go towards new flooring at the centre.  Speak to Reception or email sue on for team application form.

December 100 winners

December 100 winners sharing a prize fund of £102.50 1st: Adam Hills 2nd : Tony Ball 3rd: Linda Tierney Start you new year as a potential winner and join our monthly £100 club, only £5 monthly.  Ask for details.

Volunteers needed

Supermarket collection taking place at Didcot Tesco on Friday 15th December.  If you can spare a few hours to help collect some pennies, it would be much appreciated.  There is a time sheet in reception starting from 9am or you can email Sue and book a slot.  Times available: 9-11, 11-1, 1-3, 3-5, 5-7.  

100 club winners for September

100 club winners for September: 1st prize – Joel Baldwin 2nd prize – David Whipp 3rd prize – Liz Brixey sharing a prize fund of: £100 Ask for details about our 100 club, you’ve got to be in it to win it!