Statins could soon be prescribed to treat multiple sclerosis after a groundbreaking trial began to see if the cheap cholesterol busting drug could delay symptoms. Read more
AGM date and details
Please open the following link for AGM information.
If you would be interested or think you know of anyone who might be interested to train to run oxygen sessions please let Sue know. We are very busy and need to open up more oxygen sessions but I need more volunteers to train first. Please Please Help.
MEPC Cake Sale
MEPC cake sale raised an amazing £214, we had a great selection of cakes home-made and bought and some great people on the day selling. A big thank you to everyone involved, it was a great success.
MS Society Newsletter Apr – June
In the Water (from MS Society April-June Newsletter)
People with MS are being offered a new aquatic exercise class in Summertown, Oxford.
You need to be able to walk independently (with or without an aid) and use long and shallow steps in the pool on your own. There is a rail with steps. The water is 31 or 32 degrees warmer than standard pool water, but not quite as hot as a hydrotherapy pool, thus limiting the possible fatigue effect.
The classes take place at the Ferry Leisure Centre at Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford. Initial dates are Monday 8th, 15th 22nd May from 11-11.40am (cost £30, including introductory dry land assessment), followed by a six week block, same time, on Monday 5th, 12th, 19th,26th June and 3rd, 10th July (cost £8 per session, block booking required). To join the class email Caroline Hyne (Physiotherapist) on or call 07702884531.

100 club winners for April
Sue, Toni Radulovic, Dave winning, £32.50, £19.50, £13.00
If you would like to join the 100 club speak to Reception, only £5 a month.
MEPC Plant Sale 2017
Charity Plant Sale
As we head further into the warmer weather, it’s surely time to re-vamp gardens, hanging baskets, window planters and everything else in between!
Frosts, the Park’s landscapers are therefore bringing you a plant sale to help bring new plants into your gardens.
The logistics:
When: Friday 28th April
Where: Park Centre (underneath the white canopy)
Time: 11am – 2pm
There will be plenty of different hanging baskets, bedding plant packs – geraniums, marigolds, impatiens, petunias and many more. There will also be vegetables available for your allotments. As well as some great plants and seeds available, the landscaping team will be on hand to help with tips, tricks and advice for your gardening needs.
All proceeds from the sale will go to two charities: MS Therapy Centre – Milton Park’s nominated and onsite charity and Green Fingers – Frosts nominated charity.
Fw: Milton Park Newsletter – April 2017
MS Trust names first sites in specialist nurse funding programme
Source MS Trust:
To mark MS Awareness Week 2017, the MS Trust has confirmed that it is working to bring much needed new MS nurses to Leicester and Bradford, and has announced plans to fund and develop a further six new specialist nurse posts in the next year.