All donations greatly appreciated

On 10th September 2017 Richard Twine (Sara’s hubby) will be taking part in “The Great North Run” It is the largest half marathon in the world.  He is fundraising and hoping to raise £500 towards a new disabled toilet for the MS Therapy Centre.  All donations greatly appreciated.  Please select his virgin giving fundraising link below, or there is a paper form at the centre…… Many thanks,


Toni (MS Member) will be leaving Avon catalogues and order forms in reception area.

Feel free to browse catalogue and place any orders.

Sainsbury Collection, Didcot


Many thanks to Gloria, John and Angela Day,  Jenni McMillan’ Tessa Draper and friend, Toni Rauilovic and Dave Webb.  You collected £316.89 which is a good amount for a Sunday.  

I really do appreciate you giving your time.   


NEW – Bookings for gym equipment


With immediate effect bookings now need to be made to use any of the equipment in the gym, ie: the 2 bikes and balance trainer.  It is getting very busy and we have had some clashes.

With thanks.

How to Improve MS Related Imbalance

Source: Multiple Sclerosis News Today

One of the earliest symptoms that appeared before my multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis was imbalance. I remember turning my head to look at something and feeling slightly off-balance. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but that wobbly sensation gradually increased through the years.

Occasionally, I would bump into walls and nearly fall, appearing drunk, and clumsy. I knew something was off, but I wasn’t sure what was causing my balance problems.

The article, “Causes of balance and walking problems,” from the Multiple Sclerosis Society U.K., examines why MS patients may experience issues with their balance. It stresses how many body parts need to work together in order to have “good balance.”

According to the article, our brains have difficulty relaying the information they receive when MS is present. The connection can be faulty due to the damage caused by MS. Therefore, it affects how the brain shares information and causes imbalance.  Read on.


Kadeena Cox: I was a nobody two years ago – now people think I’m famous

Source: The Telegraph

This time two years ago Kadeena Cox  was, by her own admission, “a nobody”.

She was a young woman attempting to come to terms with the sudden onset of multiple sclerosis that had shattered her dreams of competing at the Olympics, and she was a nervous sprinter dipping her toe into the world of para athletics for the first time.

It was an experience that would see her win her first world title and change her life completely – she won another, and then three medals at the Paralympics last year, including two golds.  Read on.

6 of the Best Apps for Chronic Illness Management

Source: Multiple Sclerosis Today

Managing a chronic illness can be difficult. There are many different medications to take (often at different times), appointments to remember, symptoms to keep track of, and lots of information to absorb. Thankfully, living in a digital age means that there are numerous mobile apps that can help you manage your chronic illness.

Here is a list of some of the best mobile apps for managing your chronic illness, click here to read on.