People with MS lose more than £6m of benefits a year after PIP is introduced, show figures

A third of MS sufferers who previously received the highest rate of Disability Living Allowance have had their payments downgraded since 2013.

Thousands of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) have lost millions of pounds in benefits since disability benefits system was changed four years ago, new figures show.

More than £6m a year has been taken away from people with the condition since the introduction of Personal Independent Payment (PIP), as despite previously qualifying for the highest rates of government support, sufferers have been told they are no longer eligible for it, according to responses to a Freedom of Information request by charity MS Society.

The figures show that almost one in three people – or 2,600 – who received the highest rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance, which PIP has replaced, had their payments downgraded after being reassessed in the three years up to October 2016.  Read on.

Milton Park – August Newsletter

Milton Park
August Newsletter
Join in for Car Free Day!
Every year on or around 22 September, people from around the world get together to remind the world that there are alternatives to the car. This year Milton Park are joining in.
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On-site News
New Business Lounge at 136
Read article
Dedicated car share spaces
Read article
Learn a Language on your lunch break
Read article
Road works on Olympic Avenue
Read article
Off-site News
Didcot First Community & Business Awards
Marriot Hotel-582020-edited.jpg
Construction starts on “Milton Marriott”
Dates for the Diary
September 13th 2017
Bike 2 Work
Bike to work for a FREE Breakfast, with love to ride.
September 14th 2017
What is GDPR?
Teams at Riverbank and BSDR have joined to discuss this.
September 27th 2017
Mingle with Google
Come along and see Google Digital Garage teach us how to tell our story online!
September 29th 2017
MacMillian Coffee Morning
Join us for this year’s MacMillan Coffee Morning and help raise money for this amazing cause.
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Volunteers needed for fundraising

The Park Club are paying to have the space outside Sainsburys on Saturday 23rd September to advertise their gym, give out bags etc, they have asked us if we would like to come along and raise some money for the Centre.  If you are free for 1.5hrs anytime from 9-4 and are happy to be outside with a tin please let me know, there will also be a sheet at the centre.  We are only allowed to do one collection a year now at Sainsburys so it will be a good opportunity to raise a bit extra.  It is also a good opportunity to enhance our relationship with the Park Club. Thank you for your continued support.

John’s Story: ‘I Am More Than MS’

In this video from Patients Like Me, John shares that although he’s suffering from the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS), he’s definitely much more than the disease. MORE: How doctors treat spasticity in MS John explains that when the MS symptoms he was experiencing began to affect his everyday life, he had to take action. A […]

The post John’s Story: ‘I Am More Than MS’ appeared first on Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

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Using MRI to Diagnose and Track Multiple Sclerosis

This video from the Center for Diagnostic Imaging explains how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help in diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) and how far this technology has come in a relatively short time. MRIs can also track the progression of the disease. MORE: 10 things to know about multiple sclerosis in children Dr. Steven Pollei, a CDI neuroradiologist, […]

The post Using MRI to Diagnose and Track Multiple Sclerosis appeared first on Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

5 Things to Know About the New MS Drug Ocrevus

The multiple The multiple sclerosis community has been waiting with bated breath for the approval of the drug Ocrevus (ocrelizumab), which will be used to treat patients who have relapsing MS and primary progressive MS. The FDA’s decision of final approval arrived on March 28, which coincides with Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week. In preparation for the announcement, we’ve put together a list […]

The post 5 Things to Know About the New MS Drug Ocrevus appeared first on Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

Can pure cocoa reduce fatigue in people with Multiple Sclerosis – want to help find out?

Source Oxford Brookes University

A healthy diet may be a simple, cost effective and safe therapy for improving symptoms experienced in people with MS (pwMS), and thus for increasing quality of life. There is currently no cure for fatigue yet it is one of the most debilitating of symptoms associated with MS.

Pure cocoa may have the ability to improve fatigue due to compounds in the cocoa called flavonoids. However to date, no well-designed studies have looked at the role of cocoa consumption for fatigue management in pwMS.

This study will collect data comparing the effect of a high flavonoid pure cocoa drink to a low flavonoid cocoa drink on fatigue and blood levels of inflammatory markers in pwMS.

There will be no special payment for your involvement in this study; however we will refund your travel and parking costs when attending the assessments. Regardless of which group you are in, you will have the opportunity to learn about both interventions at the end of the study. As part of the interventions, we will be providing you 6 weeks of cocoa free of charge. Read on.


MS Society Helpline


Source MS Society:

The MS Society Helpline is a free National Enquiry Service which provides support and information to all those affected by multiple sclerosis.

In this video, Helen, an MS Society Helpline Volunteer, tells her story of how the service has made a real difference to her life with MS. Watch here.

MS Society Helpline: 0808 800 8000


Common stomach bacteria can reduce MS symptoms in mice


Source MS Society:

Researchers have found that common gut bacteria can suppress MS symptoms in mice.

We already know that gut bacteria can change the severity of symptoms in mice with a condition like MS. Now researchers have shown that brain inflammation and myelin damage were significantly reduced by one particular bacterium, called P. histicola.

It’s a microbe commonly found in your mouth and throat as well as your gut, and has previously been shown to reduce arthritis in mice.  Read on.


Multiple sclerosis: Are we close to a cure?

Source Medical News Today:

Just 20 years ago, there was little in the way of treatments for multiple sclerosis. But now, research has built momentum, and discoveries and potential treatments are always emerging. How far have we come in treating the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and how close are we to a cure? We find out.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. Around 400,000 people are living with MS in the United States and approximately 2.1 million individuals have the condition worldwide.

The exact mechanism that drives MS is not entirely understood. However, many researchers suggest that the condition is an autoimmune disease that attacks the myelin sheath – that is, the protective layer surrounding the nerves that help electrical signals to travel from the brain to the rest of the body – in the brain and spinal cord.

Over time, the disease can deteriorate or permanently damage the nerves. Symptoms tend to vary depending on the nerves affected and the damage caused. While some people may lose the ability to walk, others experience extended periods of remission.  Read on.