Cakes needed

Cakes needed for our annual cake sale on Milton Park.  Home-made and bought please.  Any volunteers to help on the day would be much appreciated.  Friday 11th May at lunchtime…… Pick up a small slip at the centre…

Spring News

Dear Readers,

It is starting to feel like spring! Time to try and get outdoors more and enjoy fresh air and some sunshine.

New Classes:

Breathe Better (COPD class) Marlborough Road Methodist Church, Banbury, Starting Thursday 5th April 1.30 – 2.30 pm

Chair Dancing (Chair-based exercise) at Chinnor Village Hall; Tuesdays 10.30 am

Changes to current classes (highlighted)

Strength & Balance (falls prevention) Chipping Norton Town hall; Mondays 9-10 am
Strength & Balance (falls prevention) Marston Scout Hut, Oxford; Wednesdays11 – 12 [used to be Thursdays]
Strength & Balance (falls prevention) Preston Road, Abingdon; Tuesdays 11.40
Big Bold and Balance (Parkinsons) Preston Road, Abingdon Tuesdays 11.10

We have plans to start Strength & Balance classes in Charlbury and Kidlington. If you are interested, drop us an email and we will add you to our list. Email Generation Games

Our Big Bold and Balance DVDs are here! I have sent these out to anyone who had previously requested a copy. If I missed you, or if you would like a copy please let us know. Free for people living with PD in Oxfordshire.
See what a Strength & Balance class is like – watch video

100 club winners February

Steve Lewis, Toni Radulovic, Jodie Tolmie winning a share of £85!!

If you are not in the 100 club why not join, only £5 a month.  Speak to Sue or Gloria for details.

Low-dose Naltrexone Changes Levels of Inflammatory Proteins in MS, Study Shows

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:

Inhibition of the neuroactive opioid growth factor (OGF) alters the blood levels of important pro- and anti-inflammatory proteins in mice with multiple sclerosis (MS)-like disease. The recognition of this regulatory response may represent a new way to monitor disease progression and treatment response in MS.

These findings were reported in a study published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine, titled “Modulation of the OGF–OGFr pathway alters cytokine profiles in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis.” The study was led by researchers at Penn State University.

Understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in MS and finding ways to tackle them is crucial for improving early diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and patient care.  Read on.

Strength & Balance classes (falls prevention)


  • Bodicote Village Hall, White Post Road, OX15 4BN  – this class got off to a great start, and everyone enjoyed a cup of tea, coffee, biscuit and a chat afterwards!
  • Chipping Norton Town hall – Fridays 9.30 – 10.30 am (started 9th February)
  • Jericho Community Centre – Friday 10.30 – 11.30am
  • Marston Scout Hut, (corner of William Street) Centre –Thursdays 11-12 am
  • (with a focus on balance and bone strength) Rose Hill Community Centre – 10 – 11 am
  • Grove Village Hall –Mondays 12- 13.00
  • Preston Road Community Centre, Abingdon – Tuesdays 11.40 am – 12.40 pm

New Chair-Dancing: chair-based exercise class
Chinnor Village Hall – Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30 am (starts 20th February)

Computer help needed

Are any members good with computers, know how to set up cloud to back up files, etc?

Please contact Sue.