Cakes needed for our annual cake sale on Milton Park. Home-made and bought please. Any volunteers to help on the day would be much appreciated. Friday 11th May at lunchtime…… Pick up a small slip at the centre…
Easter Egg raffle winners:
Steve Lewis and Joanna Fielden
Happy Easter
MS Nurse – appointments available to book in April
Sue Barnden is coming to the Centre on Thursday 12th. She is available from 10am for half or one hour appointments (depending on what you think you need). She is here until 3pm. Speak to Sue or reception to make your appointment.
Spring News
Disabled Access Day
Please find attached a poster advertising activities available at 2 of our sites for Disability access weekend free of charge
100 club winners February
Steve Lewis, Toni Radulovic, Jodie Tolmie winning a share of £85!!
If you are not in the 100 club why not join, only £5 a month. Speak to Sue or Gloria for details.
Low-dose Naltrexone Changes Levels of Inflammatory Proteins in MS, Study Shows
Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:
Inhibition of the neuroactive opioid growth factor (OGF) alters the blood levels of important pro- and anti-inflammatory proteins in mice with multiple sclerosis (MS)-like disease. The recognition of this regulatory response may represent a new way to monitor disease progression and treatment response in MS.
These findings were reported in a study published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine, titled “Modulation of the OGF–OGFr pathway alters cytokine profiles in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis.” The study was led by researchers at Penn State University.
Understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in MS and finding ways to tackle them is crucial for improving early diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and patient care. Read on.
Strength & Balance classes (falls prevention)
New Chair-Dancing: chair-based exercise class |
Computer help needed
Are any members good with computers, know how to set up cloud to back up files, etc?
Please contact Sue.
Power of Attorney
This is interesting.
If you registered a Power of Attorney between April 2013 and March 2017, you may be due a partial refund