Amazon shopping

From June 15th to June 29th, Amazon will triple donations from 0.5% to 1.5% of the net purchase price of Qualifying purchases. Just go to our website: and click on the Amazon link at the top of the page and just shop as normal, using your usual log-in details.  Please pass these details on to your friends and family.

GDPR – Consent


If you have not completed the ‘stay in touch’ form, please do so ASAP otherwise we will not be able to keep in contact with you via telephone, email or post.  If you cannot complete the form, please email Sue with your preferences asap.  Many thanks,

The Agony of Decision-making when It’s Time to Switch MS Medications

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: I’m agonizing over an important decision and it’s driving me crazy. I’m usually a quick decision-maker, but this one is tough. 

I’m agonizing over an important decision and it’s driving me crazy. I’m usually a quick decision-maker, but this one is tough. I have my analytical hat on, trying to look at my choices from a scientific standpoint. Unfortunately, my anxiety kicks in, and my hat is blown away. Let me explain.

My MS diagnosis was in 1986, a time before any FDA medication was available. When the first MS medication, Betaseron (interferon beta-1b), was approved, I was at the head of the line to sign up. It was exciting to finally have a treatment for my disease, especially one that promised to decrease the severity of an exacerbation while also delaying progression. Unfortunately, I experienced severe side effects, so I jumped ship after a few months.  Read on.


Molecule Whose Fragments Appear to Block Myelin Repair Identified in Study

Source Multiple News Today: A molecule responsible for preventing the repair of white matter in the brain, a process critical to treating multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral palsy, has been identified.

The research, “A TLR/AKT/FoxO3 immune-tolerance like pathway disrupts the repair capacity of oligodendrocyte progenitors,” was published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

White matter in the brain’s white matter is composed of nerve fibres. Its colour comes from myelin, the protective layer wrapping nerve fibres that work to ensure proper cell communication. Damaged myelin is a hallmark of MS and other disorders.

Myelin is produced by cells called oligodendrocytes. Research shows that, in cases of chronic white matter injury, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) — the precursor cells of oligodendrocytes — accumulate in lesion areas but are unable to produce myelin. Scientists believe this is due to the presence of fragments from a very large molecule called hyaluronic acid (HA); these small fragments also accumulate at lesion sites. Read on.

Cake Sale Reminder

Cakes needed for next Friday 11th please for the MEPC cake sale, you can bring in Wed/Thur/Fri a.m, and I will look after here.

Many thanks.

Milton Park April Newsletter

April Newsletter
James OxProp 01.jpg
James Dipple wins Property Leader of the Year
MEPC Chief Executive, James Dipple was awarded the Property Leader of Year award at the 2018 Oxfordshire Property Festival.
Read more
On-site News
New recruit in the Milton Park team
Read article
Miles smashes fundraising target & marathon time
Read article
OKA Warehouse Sale
Read article
New block of languages at lunch now available
Read article
Other News
NHS Technology Showcase
Oxfordshire Businesses talk Ox-Cam-MK Corridor
Dates for the Diary

May 2nd 2018
Bike 2 Work 
Bike to work on this day to receive your FREE breakfast from Café Metro
May 11th 2018
MS Therapy Cake Sale
Homemade treats and goodies from members of the centre will be there to brighten up the afternoon
May 17th 2018
HR Forum 
An opportunity to discuss your HR concerns with our employment law, immigration and recruitment experts
May 29th 2018
Getting more out of Office 365
Join Riverbank IT at this upcoming FREE seminar to discover the benefits of Office 365
MEPC Ltd, Innovation Centre, 99 Park Drive, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RY
T: 01235 865555 E:


Volunteers needed for Royal Holloway University employment research study

Source Royal Holloway University:  We are looking for volunteers with Relapsing Remitting MS to take part in a new study investigating the relationship between specific mental skills and employment in Multiple Sclerosis. We will be using a new, computer-based test which we hope will be able to produce information more closely related to real life experiences.

You will complete a series of neuropsychological tests and questionnaires which should take no more than 2 hours. We will be arranging a suitable location for testing.

If you are interested and would like more information, please take a stub below and contact the researcher, Laura Clemens, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, who will give you an information leaflet and discuss the study in detail. For more information email Laura.