Sad news

Ted Lyall, a volunteer here at the centre when I first came to the centre, passed away last Thursday.  There is a memorial service for him at South Oxfordshire Crematorium on 21st August at 3pm and afterwards at La Fontana Restaurant.  There is a card at the centre for anyone wishing to sign it.

Raffle prizes needed

For a quiz night to be held by the Nightingale Pub Bicester on Thursday 30th August.  I am also happy to now accept raffle prizes for the MS Quiz Night onFriday 12th October

Wasp Nest

We have a wasp nest under the centre by the disabled walkway.  Milton Park have been informed and will come and investigate.  Please be aware.

Government review says doctors should be able to prescribe cannabis for medicinal use.

Source MS Society: Government review says doctors should be able to prescribe cannabis for medicinal use.

(Note: What medical professionals usually mean by ‘medicinal cannabis’ or ‘medical cannabis’ is cannabis products licensed as medical treatments. So for MS, that means Sativex, which is specifically licensed to treat muscle spasms and stiffness in MS. Journalists or other people using the phrase could mean cannabis used for any medical purpose.)

Last week, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) recommended that cannabis-derived medicinal products should be able to be prescribed by clinicians. The ACMD advises the government on the control of drugs across the UK.

This announcement follows the Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, confirming that cannabis-based medicinal products have therapeutic benefits for some medical conditions. This includes treating chronic pain and spasticity in MS. Read on.

Doctors think they have discovered the cause of multiple sclerosis

Source Mail Online: Could vaccine for a common virus stop multiple sclerosis? Doctors think they have discovered the cause of disease.

(Note: The researchers’ explanation is currently just a theory but they plan to carry out further research.)

A vaccine for avoiding multiple sclerosis has moved a step closer, as doctors believe they have discovered the cause of the disease. MS develops following two separate common infections which cause the body to attack itself, British research has found.  And doctors now believe the development of a vaccine against one of the viruses may hold the key to future MS prevention.  Read on. 

Disabled driving tuition and assessments at the Queen Elizabeth Foundation

If you are disabled, driving can seem a daunting prospect. The Queen Elizabeth Foundation are specialists in all aspects of driving for disabled people, with expert assessors and instructors backed by specialist technology.

They have a wide variety of specially adapted dual-controlled cars fitted with hand controls and left foot accelerators, swivel seat and hi-tech vehicles that can be driven from a wheelchair. Their service is fully equipped to facilitate driving for disabled people and provide adaptations accordingly.  Find out more here.

Oxford Otters Swimming Club

We are a small swimming club aimed at people who have a disability or mobility problems. This could be long term or short term.
We have been established since 1966. We meet at Brookes sports, Oxford Brookes University, Harcourt Campus, Botley, Oxford. ox2 9at. We meet every 2 weeks on a Sunday morning, 9:00-11:30. we have a hoist if needed. Loads of swimming aids. we are a very friendly group some people swim for the session others just stay in the pool for a short period to do exercises. Some just get in and stand and chat. It is up to you.
The water is normally warmer than a public pool. Brookes provide lifeguard cover. There are also volunteer helpers to assist in any way we can. They are not qualified carers. There are a couple of large changing rooms for wheel chairs. We also have tea coffee after wards if you wish. We also have a picnic in the summer and a Christmas dinner.
We are not a charity. We are funded by our members. All the equipment  pool hire and insurance is covered by our membership fees. The membership for 2018 was £57 per person.  The club is run by volunteers only. Most of which are members. We are always looking for volunteers both Male and Female.
Our next swim is 05/08/18. then every 2 weeks after that. There is free parking for 2hrs. Please read the terms and conditions on the notice as you have to obtain a ticket on arrival. If you are interested just turn up for a chat or a trial. you could also contact me Nick on

Milton Park July Newsletter

July Newsletter
Milton Park 2040 Vision
A message from Philip Campbell to tell you about our latest project: The Milton Park 2040 vision. Please take part in the first step survey and share with your peers and colleagues.
Read more
On-site News
Isansys wireless technology wins award
Read article
Don’t forget about the TuesdayWandering Feast
Read article
Summer Yoga classes
Read article
Summer Party follow up
Read article
Off-site News
Marriott Hotel update
travel update-804421-edited-898519-edited-976545-edited.jpg
Travel Update
Dates for the Diary


Aug 1st 2018
Bike 2 Work
Join us again for the Bike 2 Work and receive your free breakfast from Café Metro.
Aug 6th 2018
High Content Imaging Demonstration
Discover how high content imaging can advance your research.
Aug 13th 2018
Repair IT Clinic
Pop along for a free maintenance check on your hardware or software.
Sept 6th 2018
Mingle at Milton Park
Don’t lose the summer you! Join us in finding out all about health and wellbeing.
Innovation Centre, 99 Park Drive, Milton Park, OX14 4RY
T: 01235 865555 E:

Congratulations to our July winners

Toni Radulovic winning £48.75

Julia Gower winning £29.25

Richard Twine winning £19.50

If you would like to join our 100 club, just £5 a month, speak to Sue or Gloria for details and a form, you can pay by cheque, cash or standing order.