Final results from the MS Risk Sharing Scheme (RSS) published

Source MS Trust: The MS Trust has praised the pioneering work of the MS Risk Sharing Scheme (RSS) as the final results from the scheme are published in the BMJ today (September 24).

“The RSS was a truly innovative scheme and continues to deliver real benefits for people with MS,” commented David Martin, Chief Executive of the MS Trust. “Not only has the scheme enabled over 18,000 people with MS to access disease-modifying treatments (DMTs), but it has also been the catalyst for the development of MS services, completely transforming the landscape for the 110,000 people living with MS across the UK.

“As administrator of the scheme, we are proud to have contributed to what has been achieved, but we won’t be resting on our laurels. People with MS still face many challenges and we will continue to fight to ensure everyone has access to the best possible treatments and MS services, now and in the future.”

The MS Risk Sharing Scheme was a unique partnership – the first of its kind in the UK – which enabled people with MS to access the original four disease-modifying therapies (Avonex, Betaferon, Copaxone and Rebif) on the NHS.  Read on.

Link between smoking and MS clearer than ever

Source MS Society:  Our new evidence review shows the link between smoking and MS is clearer than ever. 

Smoking can make MS worse and speed up how fast people with MS become disabled.

Ahead of October’s annual ‘Stoptober’ campaign, our independent research review shows smoking can:

  • make MS more active
  • worsen and speed up the accumulation of disability
  • speed up the transition from relapsing to secondary progressive MS.

One study found that quitting smoking could delay the onset of secondary progressive MS by as much as eight years.

Find your route to quit today – This Stoptober, we’re inviting everyone affected by MS who smokes to join thousands of others trying to quit. You won’t be alone. There’s support wherever you live in the UK.  For more information click here. 

Milton Park Monthly Update

Milton Park
An MEPC Asset
28th September 2018
Issue 001
This newsletter brings you the latest and greatest stories from around the park.
Welcome to the new style Milton Park newsletter. Find out about news & events from across the Park. Head over to our news & events pages on the website for even more exciting updates. Tell us your story too!
Published on: 27/09/2018
Milton Park 2040 vision findings
Thank you for taking part in the Milton Park 2040 Vision Survey! We had nearly 1200 participants take part and the responses have been brilliant. They’ve given the team some good ideas and perceptions for the continuation of the 2040 Vision project.
2018 Travel survey launched
The Milton Park Travel Survey helps us to help you make your journey to and from the Park as easy and enjoyable as possible. It also builds on last year’s bench-marking survey, enabling us to ascertain which of our initiatives are proving worthwhile and where we need to focus our resources and efforts to encourage more sustainable journeys.
Published on: 27/09/2018
Tokamak Expansion
Read Article
Bike 2 Work Morning October
Pipeline Removal Works
News stories are regularly added so keep on visiting the news page at:
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Exercise and disability

Monica specialises in Aquatic exercise and disability active gym at The Park Club. She is affected by the neurological disease ALD/AMN and is aware of some of the challenges people face when going to the gym. Please click here for further information monica instructability leafet

There are also Disability Active leaflets available at the centre.



Many thanks

We have been nominated in the Didcot Community and Business Awards, thank you very much to those who nominated us, lets see what happens.

Physical exercise fights fatigue and depression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study reveals.

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: Physical exercise fights fatigue and depression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study reveals.

Remarkably, these positive outcomes in psychological health can be achieved without significant alterations in the patient’s body weight or body mass index (BMI), further supporting the idea that exercise could be an effective therapeutic intervention for MS.

The study with these findings, “Effect of Short-Term Interval Exercise Training on Fatigue, Depression, and Fitness in Normal Weight vs. Overweight Person With Multiple Sclerosis,” was published in EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing.

MS patients usually are advised to maintain a healthy diet, as diet and body weight can interfere with their energy levels, body functions, and disease progression.  Read on. 

Enhanced flu jab to save ‘hundreds of lives’

Source BBC:  The over-65s vaccine will protect against three strains of flu, but people under 65, in the so-called at-risk groups, will be offered a vaccine that protects against four types of flu.  At-risk groups include pregnant women and those with long-term health conditions.

The enhanced vaccine that will be given this year contains extra ingredients designed to help aged immune systems develop a stronger defence against flu.

It is hoped the “adjuvanted vaccine” will help ease pressures on the health service.

Public Health England estimates the vaccine will lead to:

  • 30,000 fewer GP appointments
  • 2,000 fewer people needing hospital care
  • 700 fewer deaths from flu

Prof Paul Cosford, from Public Health England, told the BBC: “This looks like it is going to be is a significant improvement and quite a step in our battle against flu each winter.” Read on.


MS patients denied drug which could keep them out of wheelchair

Source the Telegraph:  “As doctors, we are left feeling powerless when we deliver the devastating diagnosis of PPMS to people because we know there is currently no disease-modifying treatment available to help them.

“It is even more frustrating that an effective treatment that can help slow the disease has been developed and made available across the globe yet people in England and Wales will continue to suffer disability worsening because of an archaic and inflexible medicine assessment system.”

Thousands of multiple sclerosis patients have been denied a drug which could delay them needing a wheelchair for seven years, even though the manufacturer has agreed to slash the price.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) today announced that it will not be funding ocrelizumab for primary progressive MS available on the NHS in England and Wales.  Read on.

Study shows that drug slows brain shrinkage in multiple sclerosis

Source UAB News: Results from a clinical trial of more than 250 participants with progressive multiple sclerosis revealed that ibudilast was better than a placebo in slowing down brain shrinkage.

The study also showed that the main side effects of ibudilast were gastrointestinal and headaches. The study was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of the National Institutes of Health, and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Robert J. Fox, M.D., a neurologist at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, led a team of researchers across 28 clinical sites, including a team from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, in a brain imaging study to investigate whether ibudilast was better than placebo in reducing the progression of brain atrophy, or shrinkage, in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis.  Read on.