Novartis bets priority review voucher on its next big multiple sclerosis drug — eyes US, EU approvals in ’19

Source Endpoints News: One of Novartis’ top late-stage candidates for multiple sclerosis is now under review on both sides of the Atlantic.

Having stoked enthusiasm for siponimod through a solid Phase III data package, the Swiss drugmaker traded in a priority review voucher at the FDA for an expedited action date around March of next year. The EMA decision, meanwhile, will likely come in late 2019.

If Novartis appears upbeat, it’s for obvious reasons.  Read on. 

Former watchdog chief labels disabled benefits process a ‘hostile environment’

Source The Guardian: Andrew McDonald, who chaired Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, says the system is ‘Kafka-esque’

A former top civil servant has criticised the disability benefits assessment system as a “hostile environment” after being told he was ineligible for support despite having Parkinson’s and terminal prostate cancer.

Andrew McDonald, 56, who ran the parliamentary body overseeing MPs expenses before retiring on health grounds, had his benefits stopped after assessors decided he was no longer ill enough to qualify for personal independence payment (PIP).  Read on.

Medical Cannabis To Be Available On Prescription ‘Within Weeks’

Source Huffington Post: Medical cannabis will be available on prescription in the UK within a month, according to The Telegraph.

The Home Office is expected to announce the “rescheduling” of cannabis-derived medicines in Parliament within a fortnight, lifting restrictions which mean that until now it has only been allowed in the most exceptional circumstances within a matter of weeks.

Under the new rules, those suffering chronic pain, severe epilepsy or nausea as a result of chemotherapy could be prescribed the drug by specialist doctors.

There are an estimated 28 million people living with chronic pain in the UK, including those suffering from conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS).

The MS Society said that 10,000 people suffering from that condition alone could benefit from the treatment.  Read on.

Physical Activity Decreases Vascular Comorbidities in Multiple Sclerosis

Source Neurology Advisor: Increased levels of physical activity may lead to decreased vascular risk profiles in patients with multiple sclerosis, according to a literature review published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.

Researchers in this review searched for published articles in 5 major databases for studies involving physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, or exercise training and the impact these factors have on vascular comorbidities in patients with multiple sclerosis.  Read on.

Benefit errors trigger £5,000 refunds

Source BBC: Assessors wrongly calculated the income of thousands of people during the process that resulted in people moving from incapacity benefit and severe disability allowance onto ESA.

Tens of thousands of people on sickness benefits will receive backdated payments averaging £5,000 following government errors.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has revealed it is paying more than £1.5bn due to the mistakes.

Some people have already received payouts of more than £10,000.

The mistaken calculations were made when people were moved on to the main sickness benefit, the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

The errors were first revealed by BBC News in November, but the scale of the underpayments has now emerged.  Read on.

Do you ever shop online at Amazon?



Then please do so by first going to

(our website) and clicking on the amazon logo at the top of the page.  It really is that easy!


This raises about 5% of the money spent for OMSTC and does not cost you a penny! Right now we make roughly £30 a month from this source, but it could so easily be a lot more.


Photocopier urgently needed

Appeal for a photocopier for the centre, this one has died, it’s done well considering it was an ex-hired machine and we do not have a maintenance contract on it.  I’m not worried about size as long as it copies A4, preferably double sided.