Immersion in virtual reality scenes of the Arctic helps to ease people’s pain

Source Medical Xpress: Watching immersive 360 videos of icy Arctic scenes helps to relieve intense burning pain and could hold hope for treating chronic pain, a small study has found.

Scientists from Imperial College London have found that using virtual reality headsets could combat increased sensitivity to pain, by immersing people in scenes of icebergs, frigid oceans and sprawling icescapes.

In a small proof-of-concept study, published in Pain Reports, a team from Imperial used VR video to reduce peoples’ scores of perceived ongoing pain as well their sensitivity to painful stimuli.

According to the researchers, the findings add to the growing evidence for the potential of VR technology to help patients with chronic pain.  Read on.

Launching an MS manifesto for the UK general election

Source MS Society:  After months of speculation, the UK government has called a general election for Thursday 12 December. But what do people with MS want from our next government?

For the next six weeks, parliamentary candidates from a range of political parties will be trying to convince people across the UK to vote for them.

More than 100,000 of us live with MS in the UK. This is our opportunity to ask representatives from all political parties what their plans are for dealing with the issues that affect our community. We’ve put together an MS manifesto that lays out our demands for the next UK government.

Our MS manifesto – our priorities for the next UK government.  Read on.

We have a variety of ways to make donations to the centre.

We have a variety of ways to make donations to the centre. You can pay on the day, at the end of the week, at the end of the month (we can email you at the end of the month to let you know what therapies you have had over that period).

 You can choose to make a donation in any of the following ways:

  • by bank transfer (just ask Sue for bank details)
  • by cheque
  • by cash

October 100 club winners

1st prize – Gloria

2nd prize – Sue Webb

3rd prize – Geoff Fewings

Sharing a prize fund of: £80

Speak to Sue for details of our 100 club, only £5 a month.

Milton Park Christmas Market 2019

Milton Park Christmas Market 2019
What better way to get into the festive spirit than with a Christmas Market – especially when it comes to you! We’re pleased to announce that the Christmas Market will be returning to Milton Park on Thursday 12th December.
There’ll be a wide variety of stalls selling local produce and handmade gifts. It should be the perfect time to pick up some Christmas stocking fillers or simply have a browse on your lunch break.

You can also enjoy complimentary mince pies, pigs in blankets and mulled wine from Café Metro while exploring the stalls.

Head down to the Park Centre (under the white canopy, next to Café Metro) anytime between 11am and 2pm.
For more information, head over to our event listing!

Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch has been booked for Monday 16th December at Park Place Brasserie on the Park.  

This year we are going for a 2 course lunch of main and dessert which will cost £16.50 including the tip. 

Menu choices below:

Main: Roast Turkey Crown with Yorkshire pudding and stuffingWild mushroom and tarragon Risotto (V) (GF) (vegan) Roasted Loin of cod served with Salsa Verdi (GF) Roasted Leg of Lamb served with Yorkshire pudding all served with selection of roasted potatoes, braised cabbage and roasted winter vegetables

Puddings: Sticky Toffee Pudding with Fresh Cream (v)Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce (GF)Fresh fruit salad (V)
Coffee and Mince Pies