New Volunteers Needed

We are desperate for people to help in the following Volunteering roles:

  • Receptionist – This role is a front of house role.  A receptionist is needed to help initially on a Tuesday morning from 9.30-12.30.  Reception duties include: greeting people on arrival, answering the phone, making bookings in the diary, counting money, showing visitors around, taking payments, making refreshments, general office and administrative duties. 
  • Oxygen operators –  The role involves understanding the function and control of the mechanical components of the oxygen chamber, knowing and observing the rules for safe chamber operation and for the care and well-being of members.  You would be trained by an experienced operator until you are happy with all the procedures.  This role could be a few hours a week. 
  • Handy person – A volunteer is needed to help with DIY and odd jobs around the centre, this is probably something that can be done just once a month for a few hours. 

If you could ask your friends and family if they or anyone they know might be interested it would be much appreciated.  

Will you take part in this mindfulness study?

Helen Croxon is a member of the Beds and Northants MS Therapy Centre and is a student at De Montfont University. As part of her Masters degree, she is carrying out some research into the benefits of mindfulness in MS and needs your help. She has kindly laid everything out below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Helen direct.

What if something free, simple and readily available could help you to manage your MS?

A review of recent research shows there is ‘evidence to suggest that mind-body therapies are effective for treating common MS symptoms, including fatigue, anxiety, depression…and quality of life.’ (Senders, 2012). 

Meanwhile, research into the Headspace app has found that just 10 days of Headspace reduced stress by 14%, reduced irritability by 27% and increased self-compassion, positivity and well-being.*

I am looking for volunteers to take part in a research project to find out whether taking part in mindfulness sessions on the Headspace app could be beneficial for adults with MS. It might help to manage stress, anxiety, depression or fatigue and could even have a positive effect on other symptoms.

  • Could you commit to doing a free ten-minute meditation every day for 10 days with a 10-minute online survey before and after? 
  • Would you be willing to take part in an online interview if invited?

To take part you will need to have a confirmed diagnosis of MS and be aged 18 or over. You will also need an internet-enabled smartphone or tablet to install the app.

Your answers could help other people with MS who are looking for ways to manage their own condition and will teach you some useful techniques as well. It will also help me to complete my MA in Health and Community Development!

If you are interested, please click on this link for more information and to get started.

If you would like further information, please email Helen Croxon on



Due to the unusual circumstances this year and social distance measures the AGM will take place via a zoom meeting on:

Wednesday 23rd September, 2pm

Code: 7183898662

Password OMSTC

Nominations and seconders are requested for a max of 10 Committee members.  They must be emailed to Sue at ms.therapy@btconnect BEFORE the meeting.

(Nominations can only be accepted for paid up members and can only be made by paid up members.)

The Officers of the Company will be elected from the Committee Members

They will consist of :   a Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary

If you are unable to attend the meeting to vote you may appoint a proxy to vote for you. 

Patricia Sadler Osteopath

It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Patricia Sadler, has reluctantly decided to stand down from her position as Osteopath at the Centre.  Patricia has been with us for over 5 years and has also raised a significant amount of funds for the centre through her singing performances.  There are a few reasons she has decided to leave, one of which is the increased demand on her time at her private practice.  Patricia will still be working for us throughout September and is offering the following dates and times for bookings:

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th September

Times: 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 3.15

Please email sue on to make a booking.  The Centre will not be manned until Wednesday 2nd September.

I’m sure you will miss Patricia and we all wish her the very best.  Patricia will support us in the search for a replacement as much as she can.  If you know anyone who might be interested please let Sue or Andy know asap.

Staying Healthy: MS and Diet

The government has recently launched a campaign to get everyone to be as healthy as they can be. A big part of this is diet. But for people with MS is following a special diet beneficial? 

This is quite a controversial area. Some people swear by the diet they follow or supplements that they take but others who follow the exact same diet may have no benefits or may have unwanted side-effects. Like with most things in the MS world, different things benefit different people. 

Both the MS Society and the MS Trust agree that diet is a controversial topic and this is largely due to the lack of research due to its complexity. Below we have some of the different pieces of information that are available on the topic. As always we always recommend checking with your healthcare provider before making changes and always question where your information comes from.  

The National MS Society (that’s the American one) has produced information along with an informative short film: 

The MS Society has produced a comprehensive Diet and Nutrition booklet covering many different areas:

The MS Trust interviews dietitian Dr. Conor Kerley who focuses on the immune system. He discusses red wine, coffee, iron and Vitamin D among other things:

The MS Society summarises different special diets here:

MS research updates

Two interesting pieces of research this week to bring you:

New research, part-funded by the MS Society, shows that an existing drug for diabetes has the potential to boost energy production and protect nerves from damage in MS. New research suggests the diabetes drug pioglitazone could be another piece in the puzzle of stopping MS, through its ability to protect nerves from damage.

An article in The Independent says: 

‘Scientists say they may have discovered a new route to protect nerve cells in mice, which, if it can be replicated in humans, could prevent MS-related disability.

Researchers have already identified an existing, readily available diabetes drug, pioglitazone, which can trigger the natural process in mice cells and could become a potential treatment to halt the progression of the disease.’


To read more from the MS Society here:

Second research piece for the week:

Why do symptoms get worse in the heat for some? New research shows the movement of sodium into nerves is partially responsible for why some people with MS find that their symptoms get worse when it’s hot. Read more from the MS Society here:

July 100 club winners

July 100 club winners:

1st Nandi Ablett

2nd Sue Doran

3rd Chris Webb

Sharing a prize fund of: £72.50

Please help support the centre by joining the 100 club, it’s been a difficult year and it would really help if members would join.  £5 a month, email for more information.  Many thanks,

Coronavirus Research and MS

The coronavirus pandemic has generated an enormous amount of research, with over 40,000 papers published in the first six months of 2020.

The MS Trust has been sifting through the research up to the end of June to bring you a round-up of the studies that give an idea of what coronavirus means for people with MS.

Click here to read their summary here

Warning: most of the studies so far have reported data on single cases or on small numbers of people. They do give a general indication but we need to interpret them with caution.

This is a rapidly evolving topic. We will share any updates with you but if you want any further news first hand you can sign up for future issues of Research Update straight from the MS Trust:

The centre is planning to open for Oxygen

The centre is planning to open for Oxygen initially to MS members ONLY from Thursday 3rd September.  (The gym will also be open but will need to be booked).  We will only be able to accommodate 3 people per session due to social distancing.  We are still working on the logistics of this, it is likely that the following will happen.  You must be aware and declare that you understand you are coming in at your own risk.  The Committee will be looking at the logistics of opening up for physiotherapy, osteopathy, footcare and massage and I will keep you posted.  I am still furloughed but making a start on things.  If you have any queries please email me for the time being as I am only in the office once a week.
Procedure (still in draft form):

  • Member to arrive at the centre and wait in their car, to be called in
  • Member should confirm that they have no symptoms of Covid19
  • Members should wear a mask that you can either bring with you, or you can make a donation for one at the centre.  The centre masks are CE Certified masks, Type IIR
  • Sue will take your temperature before you enter the building
  • Use hand sanitiser outside the main door before entering the building
  • Bring in your own water and container
  • No socialising at all, so no tea/coffee/biscuits
  • Do not bring anyone else with you unless necessary, if you do they will need to wait in the car.
  • Oxygen masks should be put on as soon as you enter the chamber.  Breathing may require some effort before the tank is pressured.  You need to keep you mask on until the end of depressurisation. 
  • You will need to sanitise your own masks using soap and water at home.
  • The chamber (inc door handles, chair arms, etc) and oxygen pipes will be sanitised by the volunteers after every session.
  • We are looking at going cashless and currently looking into this.
  • If you need the toilet you will need to sanitise it after use, products will be provided
  • There is also a 5 litre hand sanitiser on the main table in the reception area
  • If you feel unwell you should not come in and if you feel unwell within 2 weeks of being at the centre you will need to tell us promptly
  • To use the gym you need to telephone to book, only 2 people allowed at one time.  The equipment needs to be cleaned after each use, which will be done by Sue or a volunteer.

Please bear with us in these testing times.  We will do everything possible to make sure the centre is safe for our members.