Patricia (osteopath)

Today was Patricia’s last day, we all appreciate everything she has done at the centre and we will miss her very much, we wish her much success with her business and will keep in touch. 

David Harsant will be coming back to the Centre as a manual therapist trained in osteopathic technique next week, starting Thursday 5th November and regularly on Thursdays, his appointments initially will be mornings. 

Please telephone to make your appointment. 

I hope you will support our new therapist.


The bookings and cancellation policy remains THE SAME, MS members can book up to 6 weeks ahead, non-ms 3 weeks ahead. 

Some people have made bookings up to Christmas.  Any bookings that have been made outside these dates (apart from footcare and acupuncture) will be REMOVED from the diary. 

Everyone is given the bookings and cancellation policy when they become a member, the rules are also on the appointment cards and up in the centre to see.

Coronavirus advice for people with MS

With the Covid guidelines frequently changing, what actually is the advice for people with MS?

It all depends on where you live. At the time of writing, none of our areas is on high alert. Hopefully, this remains the same. We have put together a list of reliable webpages where you can get the most up to date advice. Whilst every care has been taken to only share reputable sites, these are beyond our control. 

This will be pinned at the top of the blog so you can easily find it. Have you got something to add? Please let us know by emailing or calling 0118 901 6000.

MS information

MS Society:…?

MS Trust:…


Gov UK:


To request a test:…

Local councils


Oxfordshire Council:

Reading Borough Council:

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead:…


West Berkshire:


‘Please give me space’:

MS research news

Siponimod has been approved on the NHS as the first-ever oral treatment for people living with active secondary progressive MS in England and Wales. 

A new treatment for secondary progressive MS

Siponimod, which is taken as a daily tablet, is the first new treatment for secondary progressive MS in over a decade. The only other available treatment for active secondary progressive MS is injected, and siponimod has been shown to be more effective at reducing relapses and delaying cognitive impairment.

The drug has been found to reduce the risk of disability progression by 37% compared with a placebo (dummy drug) and could help thousands of people take control of their MS.

When siponimod was initially rejected by NICE in England and Wales in June, the MS Society asked people with MS to tell them how the drug could make a difference. The stories really helped them to urge NICE to look again at the evidence.

Who can be prescribed siponimod?

Siponimod will be available to adults with secondary progressive MS with active disease. This means those who are experiencing relapses or have evidence of inflammation on MRI scans.

It normally takes a few months for treatments to become available on the NHS. The MS Society recommends that you should speak to your doctor if you think you could benefit from siponimod.

Source: MS Society,…

Flu vaccination this year

This year, more people than ever before will be eligible for a flu vaccination on the NHS. People with MS are eligible every year for a free flu vaccination but this year this may be extended to more members of your family.  

The MS Trust has put together a guide to the flu season and attempts to answer all your MS and Flu vaccination questions.

MS research news

A trial shows that myelin repair in humans is possible. 

Information from the MS Society website: 

‘The results from our Phase 2a clinical trial have shown that bexarotene is capable of regenerating lost myelin – the protective coating that surrounds nerve fibres, which is damaged in MS. Now, a new trial of the diabetes drug metformin will build on this work.

Critical to stopping MS

New research presented at the MSVirtual2020 conference has shown that bexarotene, a drug developed to treat cancer, is able to repair myelin in people with relapsing MS. This is a breakthrough that scientists say is critical to their goal of stopping MS.

Professor Alasdair Coles from the University of Cambridge, who led the research, said: “The lessons we’ve learned are incredibly exciting, as we now have further concrete evidence that remyelination in humans is possible. This discovery gives us confidence that we will stop MS, and will swiftly be taken forward into further studies trialling other potential new myelin repair treatments.” ‘

You can read more on the MS Society website here:…

Making the most out of online/telephone appointments

The MS Trust has put together this guide on how to make the most of online appointments with healthcare professionals. 

Getting prepared beforehand 

  • Find the right environment. With virtual appointments, it’s down to you to find an appropriate setting for the call. Have a think beforehand about where you’d feel most comfortable. Is there a quiet room in your house which would give you a private space to talk? If you have a particularly busy household, let your family know you’re having a private call to reduce the chance of interruptions.  
  • Allow time to get the technology set up. Make sure your phone, tablet or laptop is fully charged. Test out the camera too – is there enough light in the room so you can be seen? If it’s a video appointment and you need to download an app or log into another platform, then do this in plenty of time just in case there are any hiccups.  
  • Consider the device you’re using. If it’s a video call and you want to show visible symptoms, such as changes to your walking, then using a tablet on a stand, a laptop or a webcam on a computer may be more practical than trying to balance your phone on pieces of furniture. Make some notes beforehand. Prepare as you normally would for a face-to-face appointment by writing down what you’d like to discuss. Have things changed with your MS? Are there particular symptoms you’re struggling with? Are side effects from medication becoming a problem?
  • Make a list of all these things. You might want to put the most important things at the top of list to make sure they get covered.

If it’s a video appointment make sure you’re ready five minutes beforehand to log on to the call. 

– Person with MS

During the appointment 

  • Use your notes. Start by letting your health professional know what you want to talk about, then work through your list of priorities one by one. There may be other things your health professional raises which need to be discussed too. 
  • Be prepared to take notes. Have a notepad and pen ready so you can make notes during the appointment. If you’re using your phone, consider using the loudspeaker function so you can take notes at the same time. 
  • Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not clear on something your health professional has said or if you want a more detailed answer.  
  • Clarify what happens next. It can be helpful to finish the appointment with a quick summary of what’s been discussed and the next steps that need to be taken. Is there anything you’ve been asked to do following the appointment? Is your MS nurse or neurologist referring you on to another service? Keep a note of what needs to happen next and when. 

Don’t be afraid to ask them to change the set up so you feel more connected. In my appointment the nurse started looking to one side because of the different screens/webcam position, so it was like they were addressing someone else! I flagged it and they shifted so they were looking into the camera and we had eye contact. It’s so important when you’re not face to face. 

– Person with MS

After the appointment 

  • Go through your action points. Maybe you need to pick up a prescription for a new medication or try some new management strategies for your fatigue. Take some time to try out the advice you’ve been given. 
  • Review how the appointment went. Did you get everything out of the appointment that you needed to? Was there enough time to cover everything on your list? Make a note of anything you didn’t talk about so you can prioritise this next time.  

My video appointment worked well. There was no hassle travelling to the appointment, parking and sitting in the waiting room. 

– Person with MS

I’ve had several positive video appointments. My MS nurse was able to share his screen and show me my MRI scans which was great. – Person with MS

Although virtual appointments can be very productive for some people, they’re not always appropriate for everyone. If you feel that a virtual appointment hasn’t worked well for you then do speak to your MS team about the possibility of seeing someone face to face.

Original Article:

Updated list of treatments currently available


Therapies (updated Sept 2020)


Osteopathy      9.15 – 3.15pm, Patricia, ¾ hr


Oxygen           10.30am

Physiotherapy 9.00 – 4pm, Patricia, ¾ hr

Foot Care        4-6 weekly, Janet½ hr


Massage,         ½hr or 1hr

Hot Stone Massage, 1½hr

Reflexology & Beauty Therapies 1hr, 9 – 4pm, Helen 


Oxygen           10.30

Acupuncture    9.15–2pm Tim, 1st & 3rd Thurs, ¾hr

NEW – starting 5th Nov, Manual therapist trained in Osteopathic technique, 9.15-3.15, David Harsant


Oxygen            10.30am

Massage,          ½hr or 1hr

Hot Stone Massage, 1½hrs

Reflexology & Beauty Therapies, 1hr, 9-4pm, Helen  

SATURDAY (occasionally, please ask reception)

Massage,         ½hr or 1hr

Hot Stone Massage, 1½hrs

Reflexology & Beauty Therapies, 1hr, 10-4pm, Helen


Patricia will be doing 2 osteopathy appointments in October on 12th and 26th.  David Harsant will be starting as ‘manual therapist trained in osteopathic technique’ on THURSDAY 5th November, appointments will remain on a THURSDAY from then on. Any questions please let us know.