Emma (MS nurse at Beds and Northants MSTC) has pointed MS National to this article in the British Medical Journal. There are now close to 30 or so studies demonstrating that having optimal blood levels of 25(OH)-vitamin D (75-150 nmol/L) reduces COVID-19 risks: reduced risk of infection; reduced risk of severe disease; reduced risk of dying.Many researchers now regard the evidence as ‘overwhelming’. There is little to be lost (vitamin D supplements are inexpensive and have low risk of toxicity) and a huge amount to gain by recommending a decent daily dose of vitamin D3 (say 1-2,000 IU for children and 4-5,000 IU for adults).https://t.co/B0iAo8A6fS?amp=1
Shopping online?

Thank you to everyone for raising donations for Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Oxfordshire with #easyfundraising!
If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely FREE. 4,400 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping – at no extra cost to you!
Every donation you raise makes a difference to us so please sign up & share today

David Harsant started back at the centre on Thursday 5th. He has is a manual therapist trained in Osteopathic technique. He will be here every Thursday. He has plenty of slots available to book, so let’s get him some appointments in.
Oxygen Sessions
As you know we are running at half capacity, so only 3 people per session.
If you cannot make the session please give at least 24hrs notice, if possible.
Over the last few sessions people have cancelled on the mornings and one day I was left with just 1 person in the chamber.
Our volunteers travel in from a distance and give up their time for free to run these sessions. We are very short of volunteers and putting on extra sessions to accommodate demand.
Please try your best to attend.
Donations for cancelled sessions are welcomed in these difficult times where fundraising has been impossible.
We are open during November lockdown
Based on advice from the National MS Therapy Centre (see link below), we remain open during the current November lockdown.
Entry Procedure during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Member to arrive at the centre and ring the doorbell. The door will be locked.
- Your temperature will be taken before you enter the building and you will be asked to confirm you have no symptoms
- Use hand sanitiser outside the main door BEFORE entering the building
- Members should wear a mask that you can either bring with you, or they are available at the centre. The centre masks are CE Certified masks, Type IIR
- Bring in your own water and container
- No socialising at all, so no tea/coffee/biscuits
- Do not bring anyone else with you unless necessary, if you do they will need to wait in the car.
MS Centres to remain open
MS Centres to remain open, see note below from Frank Sudlow from MS National Therapy Centre.
Obviously if you have any symptoms please ring us and do not come in.
We will continue with our new protocols of wearing masks, taking temperature, therapists wearing PPE etc.
Any concerns please ring us.
Note from Frank Sudlow, National MS Therapy Centre, Oct 2020
Provided we continue to observe the protocols we have developed and shared, Centres can all remain open.
Is my centre allowed to be open?
Our research of Covid-19 related documentation has not identified any recommendations or legal bar to centres being open for therapies. Not now, or at any time during the pandemic. Furthermore, there is ample provenance for centres continuing to provide therapies;
- Such health related provision is an essential service (World Health Organisation NIS, Annex II)
- Our therapy centres are not included in any list of businesses or facilities that must close or are subject to baseline/key measures (HM Government Covid-19 Guidance)
- Citizens, other than those subject to isolation, are permitted to leave home for the purposes of healthcare (ditto)
- MSNTC continuing research confirms that those with MS suffer health deterioration when access to therapies is not available
- Public Health England recognises the important role of the Third Sector in addressing NHS inequalities in response to the pandemic (PHE). Their equivalent bodies in Wales and Scotland say the same.
- The NHS across Great Britain are actively seeking to remobilise recovery and rehabilitation services, for which our centres perform an active role.
MS and Mindfulness

There is no question that the pandemic has been tough in so many areas of our lives including psychologically. Anxiety and worry are at an all-time high. Given that living with MS is difficult at the best of times, it has become harder for so many people.
This week the MS Society has shared some information about mindfulness and some of the benefits it can bring people with MS….
‘Life can be stressful, and MS doesn’t help. It’s easy to get caught up in our thoughts and worries. Mindfulness is one way people take back control.
Fans of mindfulness say it helps them pause, take notice of the world around, and the way they feel. It could even help with MS symptoms like fatigue and pain.
What is mindfulness?
The idea is to notice what’s happening in the present moment. How do you feel in your mind and your body? What are your surroundings? By focussing on these details, people can find stillness and calm.
Mindfulness can be a way of stepping back from the everyday stresses of life, and from thoughts about the future or the past.
The aim is to think about things without the judgments we often make – is something good or bad, fair or unfair, important or unimportant, and so on.
It won’t stop you from having negative thoughts or difficult days. But it can be a tool to cope with them better.
Mindfulness isn’t meant to be an alternative to getting advice and treatment for mental health problems. Speak to your GP or MS nurse if you have any concerns.’
For more information, please visit the MS Society website at https://www.mssociety.org.uk/care-and-support/everyday-living/mindfulnes…
October 100 club winners
Tony Ball, Linda Tierney, Philip Hicks, sharing a prize fund of £72.50.
We would love to have more members in our 100 club, fundraising has been non-existent this year and income low, so the more 100 members we have the better.
It’s only £5 a month you can pay by cheque, cash, standing order or card. Ask reception for details.
Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy will be available on a Monday from Monday 9th October.
We will also be running a 2nd oxygen session on a Tuesday starting 10th November, IMPORTANT: the first session will start at 10am and the 2nd session at 11.30
Donathon 2021
PLEASE NOTE money raised is for The MS Society not for the Centre
Polly is driving her two donkeys Wizard and Muffin
on a 200 mile journey from South Oxfordshire to North Wales pulling a donkey carriage and averaging 8 miles a day.
in aid of
Multiple Sclerosis Research
The adventure starts on 25 June and finishes on 25 July
You would be most welcome to join Polly en route,
or follow her on Facebook or on her website.
For more information: