Easter Egg Raffle

Easter Egg Raffle, tickets £1 each or £5 strip.  3 prizes.  Will be drawn after Easter, to allow people to buy tickets when we are fully open again from 12th April.  If you won’t be in but would like a ticket, email Sue who will sort for you. 

The Brain and Spine Foundation and the Neurological Alliance have launched a new mobile app and website

Source MS Trust: One in six of us live with a neurological condition. Millions of individuals, stories and experiences cannot be ignored.

The Brain and Spine Foundation and the Neurological Alliance have launched a new mobile app and website to support people with neurological conditions to more easily share their experiences of care.

By sharing your experiences via the app, you’re not only providing vital information that will help to change the future of neurological care, but you’re also helping to build a community. You can download the app via the link below.  Download the app via this link.

The benefits of gardening when you have MS

Source MS Trust: As the sun begins to make more regular appearances, there’s no denying that brighter days are on their way.

Spring is the perfect time to spend some quality time pottering about in the garden, but when you have MS, the physical nature of weeding, planting, pruning and alike means there may be some obstacles to overcome along the way (and not just those dreaded dandelions!). Iona Creedon, who was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago, has started a new blog all about gardening and MS called Gardening within liMitS

Iona Creedon talks about gardening with MS, the inspiration behind it and reveals plans for her own garden.  Iona shares some green-fingered wisdom here.

Mindfulness-based interventions for mental well-being among people with MS

An interesting study on mindfulness-based interventions for mental well-being among people with multiple sclerosis.

Source BMJ Journals:  Conclusions.  A substantial body of RCT evidence now exists supporting the use of Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) in PwMS to improve mental well-being. Study quality is improving, but the significant scope for improvement still exists in study design and reporting. What constitutes the optimal MBI for PwMS remains unclear.  Read the full article here

Win a £500 donation for Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre

Win a £500 donation for Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre OxfordshireView in browser       You and your supporters could WIN a £500 donation* for Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Oxfordshire in our Mother’s Day Giveaway!It’s completely FREE to enter – just visit the competition page and click any of the listed retailers before midnight 14th March.To give your cause the best chance of winning, share the message below to encourage your supporters to enter too!
  Enter now   Share this to give your cause a better chance of WINNING        Copy, paste, personalise and share  I’ve entered the #easyfundraising Mother’s Day Giveaway to help Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Oxfordshire WIN a £500 donation! You can enter too, simply visit the competition page and click any of the listed retailers before midnight on 14th March! Enter now: http://efraising.org/cn52R6Jiew   £34 million Raised 2.1 million Users  160,000 Causes
Terms and Conditions apply
*Mother’s Day Giveaway – See here
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WheelPower Offer for MS Centres

At WheelPower, our aim is to get physically disabled people active, and as such, we have two exciting offers for your members:

Free Resistance Bands

We are currently giving away sets of resistance bands to encourage individuals to exercise at home, further details as follows:  https://www.wheelpower.org.uk/fundingbands

Seated Online Exercise Classes

We are delivering three live online exercise classes every week including; cardio, circuits and yoga – please see attached poster. To book onto a class please register here:  https://www.wheelpower.org.uk/sport-events

Due to the success of our online classes, this Wednesday we have BBC’s The One Show filming the live class.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Emily Weller
Head of Sport & Physical Activity 

07725 207193

100 club winners for February

100 club winners for February:

Gloria, Lizzie, Joel sharing a prize fund of: £75. 

You got to be in it to win it!  So speak to reception for 100 club details, only £5 a month

Photocopier engineer needed!

Photocopier engineer needed!  Our photocopier isn’t working and we do not have a service contract so if you know anyone who can possibly take a look at it please let Sue know ASAP.