Electric Wheel Chair for Sale

Purchased brand new on 11.03.2021 and only used a handful of times.

So it is in brilliant condition!

£2200 or sensible offers. Purchased new £2895.

All paperwork available to see including: Sales receipt Servicing department information sheet. Get wise to using electric scooters and wheel chairs info sheets. Get wise to getting more form your battery info sheets. Owners manual. Product specifications sheet. Consumer safety guide. Product insert information. Basic operating instructions manual. PDI check sheet for power chairs. Keyless locking quick reference guide.

Please contact Centre Manager, Sue.

Grand job Phil

Many thanks to Phil Hicks for not only filling my empty container with lovely flowers and soil but bringing 2 more potted up containers.  They really look lovely and really brighten up the front of the building.  Grand job Phil.

Masters research questionnaire

We are Human Nutrition MSc students from Oxford Brookes University and my team and I are interested in how COVID-19 and lockdown may have impacted on diet and other lifestyle behaviours.  Due to the limited research to date we are starting our research from a very fresh view.

I am emailing you because we have constructed a short online questionnaire to ask about dietary and other lifestyle habits (exercise, supplement use etc) on health (both physical and mental) post COVID-19. We are looking at this in people with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Spinal Cord Injury and those who have had a Stroke.

Click on the link below to online questionnaire for further information. The time required by each volunteer should be no more than 30 minutes.  

Bladder care is self care

The MS team at the Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry puts together the MS Blog. They have regular posts looking at the latest MS research and, most importantly, putting the information in understandable English!

This week they have looked at some of the bladder problems that many people with MS experience. In many cases, bladder problems are not something you need to tolerate as they are largely treatable.

You can read the article by clicking here

For more advice visit the MS-UK website and read their ‘Bladder and Bowel’ Choices leaflet. 

Click here to read the MS-UK Bladder and Bowel Choices leaflet

Cancellation of oxygen appointments

Whilst I appreciate people can be unwell, we have had a large increase in cancelled appointments on the day/day before.  Whilst people generally pay a donation which is lovely, members need to think about our lovely volunteers that give up their own time to come and run the oxygen sessions. With restricted oxygen places due to covid it is frustrating for everyone when 3 people are booked in and only one turns up. 

Many thanks

Sue Doran

Centre Manager


Source MS Trust: Researchers wanted to find out if there are hidden patterns in MRI brain
scans taken over time that would better identify biological differences in MS activity and
detect progression earlier.
The study in brief
MS is divided into four subtypes: clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing remitting,
primary and secondary progressive MS and are used to guide the timing and choice of
treatments. However, these subtypes are based on observed symptoms, such as
relapses and disability, which can be difficult to measure and may not reflect the
underlying biology driving the course of someone’s MS.
Researchers wanted to find out if there are hidden patterns in MRI brain scans taken
over time that would better identify biological differences in MS activity and detect
progression earlier.
The international team used MRI scans previously taken in clinical trials involving 6322
people with MS. Data was extracted from the scans and machine learning (artificial
intelligence) used to identify subgroups with similar patterns of change in brain
structures over time. Results from the initial findings were tested against a second set of
MRI scans from 3,068 people with MS.
Find out more: https://mstrust.org.uk/research/research-updates/210513-machinelearning-identifies-new-subtypes-ms-mri-scans

100 club winners for May

100 club winners for May:
1st Prize: David Whipp

2nd Prize: Shirley Ray

3rd Prize: Joel Baldwin
winning a share of: £82.50

Please ask Sue/Reception for details, only £5 a month.

Reminder – AGM Thursday 10th June

Due to the unusual circumstances again this year and social distance measures the AGM will take place via a zoom* meeting on:

Thursday 10th June, 2.30pm

The code is 718 389 8662

Password: OMSTC (uppercase)

*If you need to know how to access Zoom, contact Sue in September, if you do not have a speaker or microphone on your PC, you can use your phone.

Nominations and seconders are requested for a max of 10 Committee members.  They must be emailed to Sue at ms.therapy@btconnect BEFORE the meeting.

(Nominations can only be accepted for paid up members and can only be made by paid up members.)

The Officers of the Company will be elected from the Committee Members

They will consist of :   a Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary

If you are unable to attend the meeting to vote you may appoint a proxy to vote for you. 

You shop. Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Oxfordshire gets money. For free.

Just start your online shopping journey at easyfundraising, then shop as normal with any of our 4,200 retail partners. Once you make a purchase, our retailer partners will make a small donation to your chosen cause to say ‘thank you’.

Use this referral link to start shopping and we will receive £5!