Massive thank you to Sarah-Jane

The total Sarah-Jane raised from her fundraising swim was an incredible £2601.33

We would like to thank Sarah-Jane so very much for all her hard work to make this such an amazing fundraiser for the centre.  

Do you struggle remembering things?

“I forget where I have put things.” Sound familiar?  We all forget where we have put things at times, and this may get worse when stressed or tired. Keeping track of all of our actions and decisions can be tough but the MS Trust Staying Smart resources are here to help. The MS Trust has got tips on how to help make it easier to recall where things are quickly. Here is their first tip:

Have a set place for everything (your glasses, your car keys) and always put these essential items in their set place.

Find more of their tips and other information at:

Omicron Covid Variant update

In response to the new Omicron variant of coronavirus, The MS Society has updated their information on:

  • What we already know about the new variant
  • Vaccines, booster jabs and how you can manage risk from COVID-19
  • Changes we want to see for people with MS

More info:

If you feel unwell at all, please do not attend the Centre. 

Coping with Christmas stress

Christmas is often pictured as a time of joy and happiness. But it also brings a lot of stress and is usually very busy. When you have MS, it can affect your daily life and symptoms.

Helena, from the MS Trust Information and Engagement team, explores some ideas on how to reduce Christmas stress. If you have any further suggestions please let us know and we will share them.

Read the article from the MS Trust

Didcot Tesco collection

Many many thanks to Susan, Dave, Julia & Andy, Tony, Geoff, Joh & Angie and Richard for giving up 2hours of their time to collect at Didcot Tesco on Friday. 

It was a very successful collection, total: £650.31.  I really do appreciate you collecting, I know it’s not a fun job but when we can raise that sort of money it’s very worthwhile. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! 

Ask the expert: speech problems

Some people with MS may experience problems with their speech. This can include slurred speech, poor voice quality and difficulty remembering words. These problems can be frustrating and, at times, can result in distressing experiences.

The MS Trust spoke to speech and language therapist, Suzanne Buckley to find out what causes these problems and learn about some of the practical strategies that can help.

Computer needed for reception desk

We are in desperate need for a new computer for the reception desk.  It is soooooo old and sooooooo slow and my reception staff are getting very frustrated!  So if you are feeling generous or you know someone else who might be then please please bear us in mind. 

Thank you 

Christmas Opening Times

Christmas opening hours 2018 - Fordhouses Cricket Club

Open as usual until……..

Friday 24th Closed

Monday 27th – Tuesday 28th Closed

Wednesday 29th Massage all day

Thursday 30th     Oxygen at 10am

Friday 31st     Oxygen at 10am & massage all day

Monday 3rd January Closed

From Tuesday 4th January Open as usual