Annual Membership 2022

From 2022:Annual Membership: 

MS – £15

Non-MS – £30

Recommended donation for oxygen therapy for non-ms members: £25 per session.

Big thank you to Chris Maskell

Chris Maskell from KSM Training carried out Emergency First Aid at Work Training on 15th December for nine of us at the centre. 

Thank you so very much to Chris who did this training for free for us! 

The certificate lasts for 3 years.

MS-UK Webinar: Seated exercise – getting the best from exercise in sitting

Join MS-UK for their last online information session of the year on Monday 20 December at 2pm. Dr Gretchen will be showing how to use seated positions for exercise as an advantage and making it a challenging alternative to standing. Sounds the perfect accompaniment to our seated classes!

It will focus on seated exercises, demonstrating how using a seated position to practice exercises can be a good alternative to standing. The session is for everyone, so whether you want to add variation to your current exercise routine and perform some new challenging exercises from sitting or you are a wheelchair user and want to know some great exercises to work the core and upper body, then please join us for this session. 

Dr Gretchen will first start the session by explaining the different positions you can exercise in when sitting. The purpose of this is to demonstrate the many options available to you that is not just the typical position of standing but using the position of sitting as an advantage rather than a compromise. Most people think standing is the best position for exercise, but that’s not necessarily true! 

Secondly, Dr Gretchen will talk about why you would want to perform exercises in a seated position (i.e. improved quality of movement, reduced or increased level of difficulty, reduced pain and discomfort). They will also talk about how to position yourself for success for seated exercises (i.e. sitting up tall vs. reclined) and how changing your body position can get better results.

Dr Gretchen will then run through different seated exercises that will work on core strength, cardiovascular fitness, upper body strength and also lower body exercises.

Session overview

  • Exercise positions –standing vs sitting positions
  • When and how to adapt – reducing / increasing the difficulty
  • Seated exercise demonstrations – types of exercise

The session will finish with time for questions and answers with Dr Gretchen.

Find out more and sign up at:…. If you need help registering, contact MS-UK by emailing

Click here to find out more 

How could DWP improve health assessments for PIP and ESA?

How could DWP improve health assessments for PIP and ESA? We are sure there are some strong opinions on this! MPs want to hear your experiences of applying for PIP and ESA. There is more information about the survey by clicking here .  

This survey is for people who have had an assessment to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and/or people who have had a Work Capability Assessment to claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or as part of a Universal Credit claim. You don’t have to be claiming either benefit at the moment, and you can still fill in the survey if your claim wasn’t successful.You can share your thoughts here:

MS and Covid-19: Two new treatments available from mid-December

The government has announced that people with MS in the UK will be eligible for one of two new treatments if they catch COVID-19. Currently, treatments are only available for people already in hospital.

This is taken from the MS Society website:

We have several vaccines doing an incredible job protecting people from COVID-19. But we can’t rely on vaccines alone because they’re not 100% effective. We also need treatments to stop people getting seriously ill if they catch COVID-19.

What are the new COVID-19 treatments?

Two treatments will be available – molnupiravir and Ronapreve. Both have been tested in clinical trials with “at risk” people experiencing mild to moderate symptoms. They work in different ways.

Molnupiravir (brand name Lagevrio)

  • Molnupiravir is an antiviral treatment. Viruses work by making lots of copies of themselves inside your body. An antiviral treatment targets the virus at an early stage, making it harder for it to make copies of itself. This lowers the level of virus circulating in your body.
  • Another antiviral treatment already available is remdesivir. This is available for people hospitalised with COVID-19, but only on a very limited basis.

Ronapreve (drug names casirivimab and imdevimab)

  • Ronapreve is an antibody treatment. Antibodies are molecules that our immune system makes. The antibodies recognise and neutralise threats.
  • Ronapreve contains two antibodies developed in the lab which mimic our natural antibodies.
  • The antibodies in Ronapreve target the virus. They attach themselves to the virus and stop it from infecting our cells.
  • Ronapreve is available for people in hospital with COVID-19 without COVID-19 antibodies.

Find out more at

Massive thank you to Sarah-Jane

The total Sarah-Jane raised from her fundraising swim was an incredible £2601.33

We would like to thank Sarah-Jane so very much for all her hard work to make this such an amazing fundraiser for the centre.  

Do you struggle remembering things?

“I forget where I have put things.” Sound familiar?  We all forget where we have put things at times, and this may get worse when stressed or tired. Keeping track of all of our actions and decisions can be tough but the MS Trust Staying Smart resources are here to help. The MS Trust has got tips on how to help make it easier to recall where things are quickly. Here is their first tip:

Have a set place for everything (your glasses, your car keys) and always put these essential items in their set place.

Find more of their tips and other information at:

Omicron Covid Variant update

In response to the new Omicron variant of coronavirus, The MS Society has updated their information on:

  • What we already know about the new variant
  • Vaccines, booster jabs and how you can manage risk from COVID-19
  • Changes we want to see for people with MS

More info:

If you feel unwell at all, please do not attend the Centre. 

Coping with Christmas stress

Christmas is often pictured as a time of joy and happiness. But it also brings a lot of stress and is usually very busy. When you have MS, it can affect your daily life and symptoms.

Helena, from the MS Trust Information and Engagement team, explores some ideas on how to reduce Christmas stress. If you have any further suggestions please let us know and we will share them.

Read the article from the MS Trust

Didcot Tesco collection

Many many thanks to Susan, Dave, Julia & Andy, Tony, Geoff, Joh & Angie and Richard for giving up 2hours of their time to collect at Didcot Tesco on Friday. 

It was a very successful collection, total: £650.31.  I really do appreciate you collecting, I know it’s not a fun job but when we can raise that sort of money it’s very worthwhile. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!