Clocks spring forward this weekend

Don’t forget the clocks spring forward an hour this weekend on Sunday 27 March. 

The bad news is we lose an hour of sleep but we do get more daylight (and hopefully sunshine) going forward. 

Understanding and managing fatigue – online webinar with the MS Society, 7 April

This online event will help you learn more about how to manage your energy levels while living with MS

Fatigue is a common symptom for anyone living with MS and can affect life in lots of ways. Maybe you’ve found that it limits your day-to-day activities or sometimes you feel like you’re missing out on the things that you really want to do.

If you’d like to learn more about how to manage your energy levels and prioritise the activities that you value most, this webinar is for you.

There will be a chance to ask questions either before or during the webinar.

Click here to find out more 

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended the quiz night and all those who donated a raffle prize and purchased raffle tickets.  We had a full house and were at maximum capacity, 125 people.  Still waiting for final figures but in the region of £1450 profit from the night.  I am hoping to run another quiz in March next year, look out for the date.  What a successful night.

Healthwatch Oxfordshire – Visiting a loved one in a care home 

Visiting a loved one in a care home

Last year we heard about the difficulties people had contacting their loved ones in care homes because of COVID-19 restrictions.

The Government has relaxed guidelines on visiting people in care homes in England. So, we want to hear from people again to know about your recent experiences of visiting your loved one in a care home.

·         How have things changed?

·         What has the care home done well?

·         What could be improved?

If you have recent experience you would like to share, please tell us!

You can fill in an online survey here

This survey is anonymous – you do not have to say who you are and we will not identify you. Everything you tell us is confidential.

Please let us have your views by Friday 15th April.

If you would like the survey in another format or language, or if you would prefer to talk to us about your experiences, please call us on 01865 520520 or email us at

Enable Magazine: Introducing the March/April issue

Presenting Enable Magazine
March-April issue

The UK’s leading disability and lifestyle title

Introducing the March-April issue of Enable Magazine.
We’re so excited to share this issue with you and your network.


Inside this issue, artist and now Enable cover star Sophie Morgan gives us a unique insight into the process of writing her new memoir: Driving Forwards. We learn how carers can find out about their rights and discuss Young Carers Action Day. More than three decades since the movement that helped create many of the disabled civil rights we know today, a cast with lived experience of disability are bringing the story to life. We speak to actress Ruth Madeley and writers Jack Thorne and Genevieve Barr.

We also highlight the need for autism acceptance; Cassidy Megan, founder of Purple Day, discusses global epilepsy awareness; and a member of the HoME Coalition gives insight into the need for more accessible housing. Plus, mouth artist Henry Fraser talks about his work so far, we learn about the relationship between sleep and chronic pain, and a project bringing theatre into care homes takes us behind the scenes. This and much more inside.

MS Society Campaign: free lateral flow tests for people with MS

The MS Society is running a campaign highlighting the importance of free lateral flow tests for people with MS and those they have frequent contact with. 

Here is what they say:

‘UK Government figures show 1.3 million people are at highest risk of severe illness from Covid-19, including people with MS. But from 1 April, families, friends and carers run the risk of exposing loved ones to infection. Unless they can pay for tests.

This isn’t right.

Together with Blood Cancer UK and Kidney Care UK and other charities, we’re calling on the UK Government to continue to make free testing available to people who are eligible for Covid-19 treatments, their households and personal contacts.

Read more on the MS Society here: 

No one should be put at risk because they cannot afford a test. Protection from Covid-19 should be a right, not a privilege.

Take action now

We won’t stop calling on the government to protect people at highest risk from Covid-19. But to do that, we need your help.

Email your MP now and ask them to join our call, and give our community the protection it needs.’

Click here to be transferred to MS Society online form to generate an email to your MP  

Quiz Night – teams and raffle prizes

Quiz Night – teams and raffle prizes – If anyone wants to join another MS team let Sue know, or I can make up some more teams,  I know it’s difficult if you would like to take part but there are only maybe 2 of you.
Raffle tickets are available, some great prizes, £5 a strip or £1 a ticket.  Prizes include:

  • Hamper from Tesco Abingdon 
  • £20 voucher from Tesco Didcot, used to buy crisps 
  • Cream tea for 2 at Millets Farm 
  • Sunday roast for 2 at The Barn, Didcot 
  • Meal for 2 at The Plum Pudding, Milton 
  • £10 voucher for Steventon Bakery 
  • Hamper from 
  • Free treatment from therapists 
  • Wine from the Fleur Pub, Hagbourne and Mulberry Didcot 
  • Packs of beer from LoveBeer Brewery, Milton village 
  • 2 tickets to any performance at Oxford Playhouse
  • Lots of other things like chocolate, port, wine, body shop products etc. 

Changing symptoms, online wellbeing sessions with the MS Society – March 2022

Are your symptoms changing? You’re not alone.The MS Society is running a series of three virtual wellbeing sessions will take place on Tuesday 8, 15, 22 March from 6.30 – 8.00pmJoin them for our wellbeing sessions to connect you with other people across the UK with MS.

During the wellbeing sessions you will connect with other people across the UK with MS. We will also be joined by an MS nurse who will be there to answer your questions about changing symptoms.

We’re delivering virtual wellbeing sessions to people across the UK. These sessions are a chance to chat, reflect on and share experiences. We’ll also look at different ways to support you to live well with MS.

Find out more by clicking here