Your last chance for free donations

Did you know, the average Give as you Live Online member raises around £25 a year?Many raise more than that – our most loyal members often raise over £100 a year – meaning 10 new supporters could raise you £1000 a year!
So, to help you receive even more vital funds from your supporters’ online shopping throughout Autumn, Black Friday and Christmas, we’re offering an extra £1 donation for every new person who signs up to support you by the end of August. More supporters = more FREE funds for THE M.S. THERAPY CENTRE (OXFORD) LTD – it’s a no-brainer!
 How to earn £1 for every new supporter:Download the brand-new Sign Up Incentive campaign from your toolkit today. Don’t forget to copy the link provided.                                                              Share the campaign and link in your email communications and on your social media. NB: Do not change the link in any way – this is important so that we can accurately pay your free donations.                                      We’ll do the rest – in September we’ll count up all the sign ups and add £1 for each new sign up to your account DOWNLOAD CAMPAIGN > 

MS-UK webinar: Strength training – improving strength for your MS, Mon 22 Aug

Strength is one of the key components for being physically active and staying healthy. This online session will cover the importance of strength training in managing MS and associated problems such as balance, walking and falling

Date: Monday 22 August

Time: 2pm

Dr Gretchen will will be looking at strength training and how to improve it through a focused approach for MS.

Strength is one of the key components for being physically active and staying healthy. Strength training is not simply about lifting weights to get stronger, but it is a key component to help improve issues such as balance, flexibility, walking and reduce the risk of falling. Other benefits include increased muscle mass, so although we might not be aiming for a world record in the Clean and Jerk, increasing muscle mass essentially means there are more muscle fibres to recruit leading to increased strength for a specific movement. We know that neuroplasticity takes place in the brain with exercise, increasing neural connections, so why not focus on increasing connections at the other end of the system too?!

In this information session Dr Gretchen will cover:

  • How can physiotherapy help with a progressive disease, like MS?
  • What is the difference between “regular” physio and MS physio?
  • MS-specific exercises and parameters when practising
  • Questions and answers

Book now by clicking here

This session is organised by national MS charity MS-UK. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at 

Click here to book your ticket

Can you help with this research project?

Student Joni Bousie is investigating physical activity and its potential relationship with chronic pain in MS.

Those taking part will have their walking and movement (gait) analysed and physical activity monitored. They will also be asked to fill in questionnaires.

Joni, who is studying for a degree in medical sciences, writes: “Finding effective treatments for pain in people with MS falls at no. 9 in the top 10 research priorities list.

“It is crucial to further our understanding of how pain and physical activity may be linked in those with MS.”

Joni is keen to recruit our members to help in the study – if you would like to take part, please email

Regatta for the Disabled 3 September

The Regatta for the Disabled at Phylis Court, Henley on 3 September promises to be a great day out.

Supported by local organisations including the Rotary Club at Reading Abbey, the event offers a fun filled day on and by the River Thames for those with disabilities and their friends and families. Watch bell boat racing and join in with your own team, plus there will be free river trips adapted for wheelchairs and many land based activities including a fully accessible climbing wall to take wheelchairs, craft workshops, Circus Scene activities, adaptive rowing machines, Millers Ark Animals and much more fun, live music, food and drink.

Entry costs £5 (free entry for carers and children under 4.) There are no extra charges for boat trips or attractions.

For full details, please visit

Free Meal Scheme For Carers

Free Meal Scheme For CarersOver the last year Carers Oxfordshire and Thomas Franks have been running a free meal scheme for unpaid carers in Oxfordshire and during this time the scheme has provided thousands of meals for carers and the people they care for. 

We now have a number of spaces available for carers in the Oxford city and Banbury areas.

If you would like more information please contact

Best Wishes

From the Carers Oxfordshire team

Flower tubs

Many thanks to Phil Hicks for providing 5 amazing flower tubs for the centre entrance, I’ve had so many lovely comments about them.