100 club winners

September winners:

Sandra Pearce 1st prize

Trevor Dew 2nd prize

Peter Pearce 3rd prize

sharing a prize fund of £82.50

Marathon runner update

Unfortunately MS National who allocated the place failed to register our runner which is extremely frustrating for us and the runner as we only found out at the beginning of September.  MS National have guaranteed her a place next year, so her fundraising is still valid and ongoing.  For those that have sponsored her and paid thank you very much, for those that have sponsored her and not paid you have 2 options, pay as if she is running the London marathon in a week’s time or wait and pay when she runs it next year.   

Oxygen Tank

The oxygen tank is out of action and needs some maintenance.  We are hoping it will be back in operation on Thursday 6th October.  I realise this is very frustrating and would like to apologise.  We are working to get it fixed asap.

Shift:ms Buddy Network

The Buddy Network is the peer support service run by national charity Shift:ms that connects people newly diagnosed with MS to a Buddy, an ‘experienced’ person with MS, to lend a listening ear.

Shift:ms believe that chatting with people like you helps you listen, adapt and take charge. MS doesn’t mean giving up on your ambitions, just rethinking how to achieve them.

People with MS have significantly higher rates of loneliness than healthy adults. Acute or chronic health concerns present barriers for people with MS to engage in social connections and maintain social bonds.

People with MS who are matched with a Buddy report feeling less empty, generally having more people around they can turn to for support and that they feel closer to these people and less rejected by others.

If you think you would benefit from chatting to an experienced person with MS, please click here or email hello@shift.ms

MS-UK Online session – Writing for Wellbeing Introduction Session – 3 October

What can writing do to enhance our wellbeing? While it is not a quick fix for all life’s problems, writing is a fun and creative activity which allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings.

Date: Monday 3 October

Time: 11am to 12.30pm

The workshop facilitator is Georgi Gill, a writer who has been living with MS for nineteen years. She has found a regular writing practice to be a particularly useful tool for responding to the daily pressures of life with MS. 

In this friendly and informal taster session, Georgi will share some examples of different types of writing and the benefits that a regular writing practice can bring. She will also lead the group through two short writing exercises so that participants can start to explore how writing might enhance their wellbeing. Georgi will be on hand to support you if you require help or assistance to complete your writing.

Book now by clicking here.

This session is organised by national MS charity, MS-UK. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.ms-uk.org

Click here to book your ticket

MS Society webinar: Menopause and MS – 3 October

At the start of World Menopause Month, the MS Society welcome back Dr Laura Jarvis. 

Date: Monday 3 October

Time: 6.30pm

This session will provide you with information and guidance on how the menopause may affect you, as there are a vast range of symptoms associated with it. It will also provide you with what options you have for managing your menopausal and MS symptoms. There will be time at the end for questions.

Book now by clicking here

This session is organised by national MS charity the MS Society. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.mssociety.org.uk

Falls Prevention Week

View this email in your browserDear readers,

This week is Falls Prevention Awareness Week. We understand some people are worried about falling or have experienced a fall, so stop doing things they enjoy. We want to support people to keep moving and doing everyday activities, so they maintain health, mobility and confidence to keep doing things on their own.

Alongside our growing number of community exercise classes, for those who are concerned about their balance, we are offering a free online (Zoom) introductory 12-week Stay Strong and Steady exercise and information course. The weekly sessions are a combination of seated and standing exercises, which progress over the 12 weeks.
Do not worry if you are a little apprehensive, our amazing tutor will gently guide you through the weekly classes, in a super-friendly and relaxed environment. We can also provide clear instructions on how to access and use Zoom.

Each week, the one-hour session will incorporate:Strength and resistance exercises, which are beneficial for bone and joint health, and help to make everyday tasks easier.Balance exercises, which will help to reduce your risk of falls and improve posture.General information and discussion on staying strong and steady on your feet.The next course is starting on Wednesday 28 September, 10.00 – 11.00am and takes place online via Zoom.
If you have an email account and a camera on your device, you will be able to participate in the course.  We will also send you a resistance band and a booklet with the exercises.

Best wishes,
Generation Games
Age UK Oxfordshire’s physical activity serviceTo sign up or find out moreAge UK Oxfordshire is a local independent charity, working with and for all older people and their carers throughout the county.  We are members of Age UK. Age UK Oxfordshire is a Limited Company Registered in England & Wales 4328143 Registered Charity Number 1091529
For more information about us visit our website www.ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire or to make a donation call 0345 450 1276.
Age UK Oxfordshire Trading Ltd is a Limited Company. Registered in England & Wales No: 5929408. Registered Office: Unit 9 & 10, Napier Court, Barton Lane, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3YT. Age UK Oxfordshire Trading Ltd is a trading company and subsidiary of Age UK Oxfordshire, which is Ltd Company 4328143 registered in England and Wales, registered charity number 1091529 and donates its net profits to that charity. Age UK Oxfordshire Trading Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Age UK Enterprise which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance mediation. Financial Services Register number 311438.
This message and any attachments (the “message”) are intended solely for the addressee(s) and are confidential.  If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender.  Any use not in accordance with its purpose and any dissemination of disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except by formal approval.  The contents may contain personal views which are not the views of Age UK Oxfordshire, unless specifically stated.Copyright © 2022 Generation Games / Age UK Oxfordshire, All rights reserved.

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Enable Magazine September/October

Presenting Enable Magazine
September-October issue
The UK’s leading disability and lifestyle titl
Read the magazineAs we share the latest issue of the magazine, the Enable team continue to keep the Royal Family in their thoughts as they mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
Inside this issue, we’re focusing on topical problems having an impact on the disability community and spotlighting support. As the cost of living crisis continues, members of the disability community share their concerns and we spotlight a campaign making a difference. Reporter Frank Gardner talks about barriers to air travel, before we catch up with actor Adam Pearson about his current projects. 

Also inside, we learn about an illustrated book telling the stories of unpaid carers; two people with a visible difference share their experiences and how they deal with stigma; people living with arthritis highlight tips for management; and we reveal how people can get on the property ladder for less. Plus, founder of Unhidden Clothing, Victoria Jenkins, writes about the growth of adaptive fashion and adventurer Darren Edwards discusses training for the World Marathon Challenge. All of this and much more inside. 
Emma Storr
EditorSeptember-October Editor’s picksSharing our experiencesChrissie, who is 59, and David, who is 14, talk about living with a visible difference, perceptions and share the questions and advice that they have for each other.Shared ownership explainedWe explore how the Shared Ownership Scheme is helping people get on to the property ladder for less, and what is available specifically for the disability community. Highlighting menopauseAs World Menopause Day approaches, Paralympian Carly Tait opens up about experiencing premature menopause and her long battle for a diagnosis.ShareTweetForwardIf you would like to share your story, email editor@dcpublishing.co.ukEnable voicesThis issue, the founder of Unhidden Clothing, Victoria Jenkins, writes about the rise in adaptive fashion.  Adventurer Darren Edwards is discussing his training for the World Marathon Challenge which will see him take on seven marathons in seven days, over seven continents. Regular columnist Tim Rushby-Smith discusses the use of the phrase lived experience and the impact of trending phrases. Win an accessible short break in LiverpoolThis issue, we’re giving readers the chance to win an accessible short-break in Liverpool with accommodation and days out.*
*Full terms and conditions apply. To view full terms and conditions visit www.enablemagazine.co.uk/liverpoolshortbreak

 Connect with EnableDarren Edwards image © Josh Raper Media
Victoria Jenkins image © To Be Wanderlust CreativeCopyright © 2022 DC Publishing, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
198 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4LG

MS-UK webinar: Mobility aids – selecting the right mobility aid – Mon 19 Sep

In this session MS-UK will be taking a look at the most common mobility aids for walking and how to select the right one for you.

Date: Monday 19 September

Time: 2pm

Dr Gretchen will be talking about the different mobility aids that are available to help with walking. This is a subject that MS-UK often get questions on, with many people wanting to know when is the right time to start using a mobility aid and how to choose the one that is right for them.

Searching the internet for mobility aids will bring up a wide range of different types of walking aids, making the right choice a difficult decision. So, in this information session Dr Gretchen will cover:

  • When to consider using a mobility aid
  • Types of mobility aids and their pros and cons
  • Demonstration on how to adjust different mobility aids for you
  • The proper way to use a mobility aid
  • Question and answer

Book now by clicking here

This session is organised by national MS charity MS-UK. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.ms-uk.org

Click here to book your ticket

MS Society webinar: Friends and Family Employment Rights -14 September

In partnership with Slater Gordon Lawyers this online event will focus on the employment rights of friends and family (carers) of those with MS. If you are a loved one of someone with MS then this webinar is for you.

Date: Wednesday 14 September

Time: 6.30pm

Since the pandemic, more and more people have experienced a shift in their responsibilities, caring for a friend or relative. This event will help at you understand the:

  • rights of carers
  • benefits and help available
  • impact on the carer
  • impact on their employer
  • ways in which employers can begin to identify and support carers in their employment.

Book now by clicking here

This session is organised by national MS charity the MS Society. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at www.mssociety.org.uk

Click here to book your ticket