An opportunity to get involved with research

We have been sent information about the following organisation which might be of interest:

Open Inclusion are a London-based research organisation who specialise in helping to improve the design of products and services through authentic insight from disabled and older people. They work with household brands from Microsoft and Google to NatWest, John Lewis, the NHS and transport networks. 

They would like to expand their current UK community of disabled and older people to join in their research.  Research can range from short online surveys to focus groups, in depth interviews and testing. Participation is always paid and voluntary. 

If you are interested in joining the Open Inclusion community, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Open Inclusion are currently running an online survey about how your disability or condition changes over time, and the impact that this may have on your lives. All responses will be reported anonymously and you will receive a £15 Amazon voucher as a thank you for completing the survey. If anyone would like to take part with or without joining the Open Inclusion community they can email Open Inclusion to find out more 

Changing Symptoms, MS Society Information Webinar – 21 February

The Changing Symptoms online MS Society sessions are for people affected by MS who are looking for a chance to find out more about changing symptoms and they feature MS nurses and volunteers alongside members of the helpline team. They will cover topics including:

  • Understanding symptoms
  • Adapting to changes in symptoms
  • Triggers
  • Relapses and fluctuations
  • Self care

Date: Tuesday 21 February

Time: 6pm to 7pm

This session is organised by the national MS charity, the MS Society. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at

Book now by clicking here

A useful research project

Final year Illustration degree student Christina Collis has asked for help with her research into designing cards for people with MS to show when they need priority access to a toilet.

Christina explains;

“For my final year research project everyone has to choose their own topics and I chose to do mine on MS. I know bladder problems are one of the most common symptoms that happens with MS as my dad suffers from it. So I thought I could design cards where people who have MS would have priority when it comes to using public toilets. I have designed a questionnaire to ask people with MS what they would like the card to say, would they be comfortable wearing it around their neck and what wouldn’t they want it to say. I want to make a design which would be something they are proud to wear and not be ashamed. I think this could really help people with MS.”

If you would like to answer Christina’s short questionnaire, please click here.

January 100 club winners

100 club winners for January as follows:

1st prize Martin Gulliver

2nd prize Janice Dew

3rd prize Jodie Tolmie

sharing a prize fund of £87.50

Newly Diagnosed Information MS Society webinar – 6 February

Who is this event for?

  • People who are newly diagnosed with MS.
  • Family or friends of those who have been newly diagnosed with MS

The programme

In the webinar and the following week’s conversational group, they’ll help you to start making sense of your diagnosis. They will provide you with the information and signposting to further support and guidance that you may need. The MS society hope through these sessions that they will empower you to live well with MS. These sessions are for you if:

  • You’re looking for ways to make sense of your diagnosis
  • You don’t know what information and support is available to you

Date: Monday 6 February

Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Book now by clicking here

Staying Active with MS: Swimming and Wild Swimming, MS Society online webinar – 6 February

These online sessions discuss different ways you can try to get and keep moving or active. They are lead by MS Society volunteers, who will be joined by guest speakers who can share hints and tips on ways to keep active and also perhaps give you ideas of new activities. 

This month they will be discussing swimming and wild swimming, joined by representatives from Swim England and Swim Scotland who will chat around open water swimming as well as what support is available for pool swimming. It will also be joined by volunteer with lived experience who will talk about her experience of living with MS and wild swimming.

Date: Monday 6 February

Time: 6pm to 7pm

This session is organised by the national MS charity, the MS Society. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at

Book now by clicking here

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has a home small change tin, as you can see from the graph, it really does make a difference.  If you do not have a home tin and would like one please let me know.  Every penny counts.

Raffle prizes needed for my quiz night

Bottles of wine needed for my quiz night winners table.  I need up to 8 bottles to give to the winning team, so if you have a bottle you could donate it would be much appreciated.  Any other unwanted Christmas gifts would be great to use as raffle prizes.  Thank you in advance.

Have you got a team together?  It’s Friday 17th March at The Barn, Didcot.  Up to 8 people in a team, £8 per person.  Ask Sue for a team application form.  Posters available.

Raffle tickets are now available to purchase, £1 a ticket or £5 a strip.

Please help to support my event and ask your friends too. 🙂

Functional Exercise, MS-UK webinar – 23 January

To help kick start new year exercise plans, this online seminar will be discussing what ‘functional exercise’ is and how to use this type of exercise to improve mobility and function.

Dr Gretchen Hawley will explain the difference between ‘regular’ and ‘functional’ exercise and how functional exercise can help improve function and mobility for people with MS.

Date: Monday 23 January

Time: 2pm to 3pm

This session is organised by national MS charity, MS-UK. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at

Book now by clicking here

Life Admin: PIP, Blue Badges and Travel, MS Society Webinar – 26 January

Have you thought about the weekly tasks you do that would be considered as Life Admin? Sorting out bills, insurances and pensions. Sometimes they can be time consuming or overwhelming.

Join this Life Admin Webinar where they will be discussing Personal Independence Payment and looking at why and how you should apply. It can be a lengthy process but support is available to help you explore money that would help you with living with MS.

The session will be joined by an MS Welfare Benefits Advisor from the Disability Law Centre who work in partnership with the MS Society as well as a volunteer with lived experience. The speakers will also be sharing how to apply for blue badge and discounted rail travel.

Date: Thursday 26 January 2023

Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm

This session is organised by the national MS charity, the MS Society. You can find out more about them by visiting their website at

Book now by clicking here