NEW Fiction Book Club

We have a new fiction book club at the Centre, we suggest donations of 50p.

Please help yourself from the help mstc bookcase in the entrance.

Oxford Half Marathon

Great news Richard Twine is running the Oxford Half Marathon on 13th October 2013, please show your support by sponsoring him (sponsor form is at the Centre).



Foot Care Appointments

Please note that Foot Care Appointments will be Thursday 18 July and not Wednesday 17th from 10am.

Also Thursday 14th August as the same time.

Quiz Night

Please put Friday 11th October 2013 in you diary for our Quiz Night, being held at Didcot Conservative Club 7.30pm.

Teams of 6-8, £6.50 per person.

Speak to Sue for team application form.

Guideposts ILC Open Day

Wed 17 July (10 am to 3 pm).  We will be holding a “mini open day” at Didcot Health and Wellbeing Centre (Britwell Road, Didcot, OX11 7JN, 01235 518444).  The Disabled Living Foundation will be there with some of their simple electronic aids from their loan library.  True Mobility, the local mobility shop, will be also be there.  Drop in for coffee and a chat.  All welcome.

Change of venue for future Open Days

Next ILC Open Day “Seating Options” will take place on Wednesday 4th Sept at The Peachcroft Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon OX14 2RT and will be held here for the foreseeable future.

There will not be an Open Day in August 2013.


June 100 Club Winners

Our very first 100 Club draw took place today.  Numbers were drawn by Sue Alexander and verified by Dave Webb.  The winning numbers are as follows:

No 6: Sue Doran

No 15: Sue Webb

No 3: Gloria McLaughlin

Come on the girls!!


Free Self-Management Courses in Abingdon


The Expert Patients Programme Community Interest Company (EPP CIC) has been commissioned by Oxfordshire PCT to provide 8 courses in self-management for patients, in order to help people manage their day-to-day situation better by themselves and enjoy a better quality of life.

Across the Oxfordshire area there will be eight Choosing self-management for Life courses for people living with a long-term health condition..

The courses are free for people to attend and have been shown to help people manage their condition better and reduce unscheduled GP visits and emergency admissions.  The courses help to reduce feelings of isolation and depression, encourage a healthier lifestyle and improve relationships with friends, family and practitioners.  They run over seven weekly sessions, each lasting three hours. The sessions are delivered by two trained facilitators who have first-hand experience of the living with a long-term condition themselves.

The next course will take place on Tuesday mornings from  02/07/2013 to 13/08/2013 at Abingdon Baptist Church Hall, 35 Ock Street, Abingdon, OX14 5AG

Further information on how self-management can support people with long-term health conditions is available at  including case studies of previous participants and recent research into the cost benefit of self-care.

Relapsing remitting MS community chat forum

The aim of the study is to better understand patients experiences of living with MS where patients are being asked to take part in an online community chat forum.  The chat forum would take place over 1-2 weeks in which time the participants would ideally login on a daily basis and contribute to the forum.  As a token of appreciation for your feedback, you will receive an incentive payment of £40.  In order to take part in this study one of the main criteria is that the patients need to currently be on DMD.  The online forum is due to launch towards the end of this week.  Please contact Sam Smith – Project Coordinator, Field Scope International – London, Mobile: 07788725557

Milton Park – Summer Party

Milton Park Summer Party, Friday 28th June, Park Centre, 12.00-14.00.  – complimentary lunch – cocktail bar – steel band – surf simulator – jet ski simulator – fun fair stalls

Turn your unwanted jewellery, watches, etc into a donation for the centre

‘Recycling for good causes’ – Please donate your unwanted, gold, silver, costume jewellery and watches towards our recycling appeal.  Damaged, broken and incomplete items will help, so all the odd earrings and broken chains are a great start!  Old and foreign banknotes, any currency UK or foreign and of any age or condition.

Please ask you friends and family to participate in this Recycling Collection and thank you for your support.