The Next ILC Open Day theme is “Eating, Drinking, Kitchens and Clothing” on Wed 5thof Februaryat The Peachcroft Christian Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon, OX14 2RT
Products and organisations expected at the next open day are listed below.
Drop in anytime between 10 am and 3pm.
Refreshments available.
Carers Carers Oxfordshire are offering 20 minute slots for a private discussion for carers in a room at the above venue between 10am and noon, phone to book a time Tel 01235 524857.
The Venue:
Peachcroft Christian Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon. OX14 2R
Company or Organisation |
Equipment or service. (Ctrl+click on the links to see more details of the product or the service.) |
Medoris |
Medoris will be bringing a range of eating, drinking and accessible clothing. |
Eating aids, such as the Catchkin napkin: |
Some daywear and nightwear, such as the all in one sleepwear:
AKWAKW will be bringing information about their inclusive kitchen design. Shire MobilityShire Mobility are a local mobility shop, based in Bicester. They will be bringing a range of aids.DB wide fitting shoes
A range of waterproof clothing (poncho’s) for scooters and wheelchairs covers etc
NRSNRS will be bringing a range of eating, drinking and dressing aids.Medici cup (a cup where the handles can be moved to suit the user)
Red handled cutlery (Bright red coloured handles are made from contoured, flexible rubber which ensures they are easy to grip and easy to see for those with visual impairments.)
Wiltshire Farm FoodsWiltshire Farm Foods offer an extensive range of complete frozen ready meals and desserts which are delivered direct to the home for free. Includes pureed meals and mini meals for those with a small appetite. Really Useful ThingsReally Useful Things supply a range of aids, which includesDuo mug holder which can be fitted to a mug to give a double handle
Strawberi straw clip which holds a straw in place
Montclair Home ShoppingMontclair Home Shopping offer a home delivery for grocery shopping.
Senior ShopThe Senior Shop is a mobile clothes shop which visits groups (care homes, housing associations, social groups) by arrangement. They bring a range of clothing according to the season.
Sturdy StrawsSturdy Straws supply a straw drinking system. Mark who is tetraplegia was fed up with finding his straw just out of reach or having to pin a straw to his pillow. So he came up with the Sturdy Straw.
LakelandLakeland Will be loaning a range of products GTec Ram Cordless Hoover, Robot Hoover, tin and jar openers, easy grip peelers, drying racks and pegs.
Red CrossThe Red Cross provide volunteer transport. They also provide an equipment loan and purchase service.Carers OxfordshireCarers Oxfordshire support carers. Merisha Anderson and Alan Steer will be on hand to discuss Carers Breaks, Carers Emergency Card, Support, Training and other resources for family members, friends and neighbours who are caring.