Open Week
Celebrating 30 years!
In case you’d missed the banner… this year it’s our 30th birthday!
To celebrate, we are holding an open week – Monday 23rd – Friday 27th June.
Put the date in your diary today! (click on the image below to download a PDF flyer to display)

100 Club March Winners
Multiple Sclerosis and Retroviruses: Is It Complicated?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease that may be triggered by 1 or more environmental factors, according to some hypotheses. Nonetheless, the true pathogenesis of MS remains unknown. Read more
Multiple Sclerosis Research
Charcot Project
The Charcot Project is an initiative to promote research and the dissemination of information around the hypothesis that multiple sclerosis is caused by a virus. It is being generously funded by anonymous donors and AIMS2CURE. Read more
Foot Care Appointments
Statin trials for secondary progressive MS
Statins may be useful in treating advanced multiple sclerosis (MS), say UK researchers.
Early trial results in The Lancet show the cholesterol-lowering pills slow brain shrinkage in people with MS.
MSsy – March Meetup
Hello everyone!
, 21st July, 15th September and 17th November for 2014!!!!