Get together for Ian and Ted

There is a little get together for Ian and Ted next thursday from 12.00 (we will have cake).  Anyone that wants to come along and wish them a happy retirement would be welcome.

Open Week

We are looking for members to put an open week flyer in their local supermarket, can you help us to promote the event please…..

Celebrating 30 years!

In case you’d missed the banner… this year it’s our 30th birthday!

To celebrate, we are holding an open week – Monday 23rd – Friday 27th June.

Put the date in your diary today!  (click on the image below to download a PDF flyer to display)

OMSTC - Celebrating 30 Years


100 Club March Winners

1st prize Gladys Marr (Sue’s mum),
2nd prize Sue Doran NO IT’S NOT A FIX!!  Balls picked by Bev Hughes.
3rd prize Roger Nicholls  

Multiple Sclerosis Research

Charcot Project

The Charcot Project is an initiative to promote research and the dissemination of information around the hypothesis that multiple sclerosis is caused by a virus. It is being generously funded by anonymous donors and AIMS2CURE. Read more

MSsy – March Meetup

Hello everyone!

I have booked a table at The Longwall (Beefeater), Gasington Road, Oxford, OX4 2JZ, on Tuesday 18th March at 19:30. I have asked it to be in the bar area so hopefully it will be more accessible. I have booked it in the name of Jo. I hope to see several of you there. 
This is the last month it will be on a Tuesday from May the alternate month get together will be on a Monday. Which will make it Monday 19th May

, 21st July, 15th September and 17th November for 2014!!!!

For April I am thinking bowling maybe Saturday 12th or Sunday 27th?? Followed by a Frankie and Bennies! If anyone wants to organise it (or any other MSsy meet up!) then that would be fab!
I thinking of getting some business cards made up to put around different places so people can pick one up and have all the info they need! Janey if you wouldn’t mind please can you upudate the poster (thank you!!). Do you think we should have a MSsy logo?

Easter Egg Raffle

Thorntons Charlie Chick Egg and Chokablock Chocolate Extremist Egg,  tickets £1 each, draw taking place Thur 17 April.  See Reception for tickets.