Source: The Telegraph
Scientists believe they are close to developing a drug which could ‘switch off’ autoimmune diseases like Multiple sclerosis by training the body to stop attacking itself read more
Source: The Telegraph
Scientists believe they are close to developing a drug which could ‘switch off’ autoimmune diseases like Multiple sclerosis by training the body to stop attacking itself read more
We are looking for raffle prizes for quiz night.
Do you know of any companies we could approach for some nice prizes or can you donate a tin of biscuits/chocolate/wine etc etc? Quiz Night Fri 24th October.
If you can help with any of the above please let Sue know.
Cameras have been installed in the gym; this is a health and safety feature and allows the receptionist and Sue or a therapist to see users of the gym. You can use the gym as long as a therapist or receptionist or Sue is in.
Missing ‘Pleasure Time book Club’ Book – Lemons, it’s bright yellow!! Who has taken it? It needs to be returned please.
Thank you
The MS Society would like to hear your views and experiences about ways information about MS can best be made available in health and social care settings, and the support that you need in order for it to happen.
By completing our survey you will contribute to forming recommendations for the future of our work (completing the survey may take between 5 and 10mns).
The MS Society provides practical and financial support (including quality reviewed information free of charge) to help health and social care professionals provide information about MS where, when and how people affected by MS need it so they can take active steps to manage their MS and live life to the fullest.
Do contact the local information services coordinator if you have any question regarding this survey or MS Society’s work or would like to go through the questions by phone – 020 8438 0705 or by email
Hi everyone,
It’s that time of year again, Autumn is approaching!!
This year our quiz night will be held on Friday 24th October at Didcot Conservative Club. The quiz masters will this year be Kate and Dave Guest from Folk for MS, our usual quiz masters (who unfortunately had to pull out at the last minute last year). Teams of up to 8, £6.50 per person. Please find team application form attached and poster. If you could pass the details on to anyone you think might be interested I would appreciate it and if you know somewhere to place a poster please would you print out.
Many thanks and I hope you can make it.
The Centre now has a copy of the new Community Transport Directory (local community transport groups and services) produced by ORCC or you can view online at
MS Trust Annual Conference
Chesford Grange, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
9 – 11 November 2014
The MS Trust Annual Conference, the flagship event for health and care professionals working with people with MS, runs from 9–11 November at Chesford Grange, Kenilworth. The programme is varied, current and aims to offer something for everyone. We are looking forward to a fantastic event. For further details and to book your place visit The MS Trust offers bursaries of up to 75% for health professionals working in a clinical role with people with MS. You don’t have to be a specialist to be eligible
Guideposts Trust Independent Living Centre,
Open Day.
Wednesday, 3 Sept 10am – 3pm
Theme : Steps and Stairs
There will be various products to view and organisations to talk to about Steps and Stairs.
This Open Day will be at Peachcroft Christian Centre, Lindsay Drive, Abingdon OX14 2RT