Didcot Sainsbury’s Collection

Thank you to John & Angela Day, Mark H, Mike Clear, Jon T, Gloria, Tony, Petula and Jill for giving up their time to collect at Didcot Sainsbury’s: a great total of £480.91 was raised. This brings our year’s total up to £1,910.02 – AMAZING!! Many thanks to you all.

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are now available and being sold in aid of the Therapy Centre (logo inside the card). There are 3 designs; robin amongst snowdrops; berries in the snow; and dalmations singing with Christmas hats on!!. Sold in packs of 10 for £3. Please support the centre by purchasing your Christmas cards here. Display cards will be left to view in reception, speak to myself, Gloria or Dave Webb to purchase.

Many thanks


The MS Society need your help!

In April, NICE rejected two of the only symptom management treatments specifically licensed for MS.

We know that access to these treatments is a priority for many people with MS and we have anecdotal evidence that with these treatments unavailable, some people are turning to alternative or unlicensed options.

We need to hear from you to make sure we understand the full picture! Take our survey Click here

Yoga Relieves Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Source: Rutgers:

yoga 400 px


Yoga Relieves Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms, Rutgers Study Finds. Please contact Sue if you are interested.
“Paula Meltzer was only 38 when out of nowhere everything she looked at was blurry. For the single mother, who had a lucrative career as a gemologist and spent hours examining valuable pieces of jewellrey, it seemed as if – in a split second – her life changed.” Read on

Dimethyl fumarate (BG-12, Tecfidera) – NICE confirms approval in final guidance

Dimethyl fumarate (BG-12, Tecfidera) will start to be available on the NHS in England and Wales from November following final guidance from NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence).

Dimethyl fumarate is approved as a treatment for adults with active relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (normally defined as two clinically significant relapses in the previous two years), providing they do not have highly active MS despite treatment or rapidly evolving severe relapsing remitting MS. Read more here

Making sure the Care Act works for people with MS

Source MS Society:
Now that the Care Act has been agreed by the Queen (gained Royal Assent), the Government has been drafting new regulations and guidance that outline how local authorities should put the Act into practice. Read on.

Antithesis, synthesis? A curious observation may lead to a treatment for multiple sclerosis

Source: Economist
IN SCIENCE, as in many other walks of life, what is unexpected is often what is most interesting and important. The idea, first mooted in 2011 by Julian Gold of the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, Australia, that HIV infection—or maybe the drug treatment used to fight it—might protect against multiple sclerosis (MS), was certainly unexpected. Now, in a study just published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Dr Gold has confirmed his suspicion. That is interesting. It may also be important. Read on.

Cochrane Multiple Sclerosis Group

The Cochrane MS Group is working to identify research priorities for Multiple Sclerosis, on risk factors for the disease, prevention, treatments, rehabilitation, palliative care, prognosis and accuracy of diagnostic tests, to guide future activities mainly in term of new and updated reviews.

For further information take a look at their website here