Raffle Tickets

Raffle tickets are on sale now at reception or from Sue, £1 a ticket.

The draw will take place at the quiz night on Friday 24th October.

Here are some of the great prizes to be won:-

• Hamper from Clearwater Hampers • Meal for 2 and bottle of wine at Wildwood Kitchen, Didcot • Family Swim, Didcot Wave • Cotswold Wildlife Park tickets • 1 month membership, Park Club • £5 Millets Farm voucher • Champagne • Potted Plant from Savages, Blewbury • Plus lots more………..


MS Society responds to new NICE clinical guidelines on MS

Two MS treatments that relieve MS symptoms have been rejected by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), in its new national clinical guideline for multiple sclerosis, published on the 8th October 2014.
The guideline, which sets out how the NHS should manage the treatment of people with MS, is the first to be published in over a decade. Read more.

Guardian’s health editor discusses NICE guidelines on drugs and clinical care


safe_image-1.phpSource Guardian:
With Nice announcing its latest guidelines on drugs and clinical care, the Guardian’s health editor is joined by an expert panel to discuss the implications for those who suffer from MS.

Sarah is joined in studio by Professor Mark Baker, d…irector of the centre for clinical practice at Nice, Dr Paul Cooper, chair of the MS guidelines committee, Dr Nick Rijke, executive director of policy and research at the MS Society, and Amy Bowen, director of service development at the MS Trust. Listen here!


Raffle Prizes Urgently Needed

I’ve had no donations for the quiz night raffle…. we make the most money from the raffle, so if there is anything you can donate that would be great.



Extra oxygen sessions

Extra oxygen sessions (in addition to the usual ones at 10 on Tuesday, 11 on Thursday and 10 on Friday):

Tuesday 14th October at 11.30
Wednesday 15th at 10.00
Friday 17th at 11.45
Wednesday 22nd at 10.00
Friday 24th at 11.45

100 Club winners

100 Club winners this month:

1st Prize, Linda Tierney
2nd prize, Melissa Mace
3rd prize, Ian McKay

Total prize fund £62.50. You have to be in it to win it. Speak to Sue or reception for details on how to join our 100 club.

Accupuncture date changed this month

Unfortunately Tim has had to change his appointment from this Thursday 2nd to Thursday 9th. He still has appointments available, please contact the centre to book an appointment.

Charity Awards – Nominate now!

If anyone would like to nominate us for a Charity award we would be very grateful!

There are 9 award categories and the form is really simple to do. The Awards are really prestigious and are a great way to raise our profile.

The Charity nomination form and volunteer nomination form are below(you can nominate a volunteer for an individual award).  The form needs to be returned to awards@ocva.org.uk

Nominate now! The Oxfordshire Charity and Volunteer Awards are now open for nominations- so shout about your group’s great work. www.ocva.org.uk/awards2015

CharityAwards2015nominationform       VolunteerNominationform2015

Online shopping and searching

OK, OK, I know I have nagged you before but these things could make us rich, so again:

1. easyfundraising (for lots of retailers, including Amazon), but you need to register an email address if you haven’t done so yet
(You can bookmark this and safely install their toolbar. There are free offers you can sign up for too)

2. If you can’t be bothered to register you can still shop at Amazon, but you have to go to the omstc website and click the Amazon logo at the top
(You can’t bookmark the Amazon link, you have to go via our website)

3. There’s the search engine which earns us money every time you click on a search result:
(You can bookmark this, or even better set it as your home page. Use instead of Google!)