Bone mineral density is reduced in people with MS

Evidence has been accumulating over recent years that people with MS are at increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures in comparison to the general population.
Osteoporosis is a progressive loss of bone minerals leading to fragile bones that are at greater risk of fracturing. It is common in the ageing population and particularly affects post-menopausal women due to hormonal changes that influence bone mineral density. Read on.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has given up their time to collect at a supermarket during the year, the grand total for the year is £2387.42. Many thanks indeed. I hope you along with some new members will be able to help collect during 2015.

Beauty Therapies

Helen our masseur offers a whole variety of beauty therapies on a Friday and Saturday including:

Lymphatic drainage
eyelash tint (patch test necessary before)
nail cutting

Recommended donation for all therapies is £12 for MS Members, £22 for Carer’s and £30 for Other Members. Nail cutting is £4 for 15 minute appointment.

Christmas shopping online

Yes it’s that time of year again, and just in case you had forgotten, there are 2 ways you can raise money for us at no cost by Xmas shopping online:

1. easyfundraising (for lots of retailers, including Amazon), but you need to register an email address if you haven’t done so yet
(You can bookmark this, and safely install their toolbar if you want.)

2. If you can’t be bothered to register you can still shop at Amazon, but you have to go to the omstc website and click the Amazon logo at the top
(You can’t bookmark the Amazon link, you have to go via our website)

MS Study Day

Who was the event aimed at?
The study day was aimed at people newly diagnosed with MS, interested in therapies or currently on therapies.

When did it happen?
The event was held on Friday, 26th September 2014… at Twickenham Stadium.

I was unable to attend, can I still view the content?
If you were unable to attend, the event was recorded. You can view a selection of talks by clicking on the video links here.

MS Society responds to fitness for work announcements

Source MS Society:
A major independent review was published yesterday on the Work Capability Assessment – the test designed and used by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to determine the entitlement of disabled welfare claimants to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Read on.

Fingolimod (Gilenya) not effective in primary progressive MS

Fingolimod (Gilenya) not effective in primary progressive MS
Source MS Society:
“Note – While these results are disappointing, they do not affect the proven effectiveness of Gilenya in relapsing remitting MS.”
Novartis – the pharmaceutical company that manufacture Gilenya – carried out a global phase 3 clinical trial involving 940 people with primary progressive MS, known as INFORMS. The trial aimed to evaluate the effect of Gilenya (in the form of a once daily tablet) on delaying the progression of disability compared to a dummy drug.
Novartis have announced that results from this trial indicate that Gilenya is not an effective treatment for primary progressive MS. The full results will be presented at an upcoming scientific conference. Read on.

Work starts on Cardiff University brain imaging centre


Source BBC:
Work to build a £44m brain imaging centre to help experts better understand the causes of conditions like dementia and multiple sclerosis has begun in Cardiff.
Researchers at the Cardiff University site will use mapping techniques to get a more detailed look at how the brain works. Read on.