Happy New Year

 Happy New Year from Sue, The Committee and the Therapists,
Please note that Membership for the current year is now due and is £25 and there is also a slight increase in recommended donations on therapies apart from oxygen, please see noticeboard.
An update on Mark Walker:  As some of you are aware Mark was taken ill in early December and spent 3 weeks in the J.R having had 2 operations. He is now recovering well at the Oxford Centre for Enablement.  If anyone would like to visit him, visiting times are 1-4pm.  If you would like any more details please speak to Sue direct.

The Royal College of Physicians want the opinions of patients with long-term problems

I would like to let you know about a new project the Royal College of Physicians Health Informatics Unit is leading on improving patient care records for people with long term conditions.

The project is part of a European project to develop electronic health record which are accessible and a benefit to patients. The RCP contribution has been to explore with patients those issues that are of particular importance to them with respect to how their illness affects their lives.

We would be very grateful if you could circulate the following survey invitation to your patient and carer networks using all communication channels available (e.g. newsletters, email, social media, additions to website etc):

Improving patient care records for people with long term conditions survey
The Royal College of Physicians Health Informatics Unit want to improve the way information is recorded for people with long term conditions. To do so, we need your views on what you would like your clinician to know about how your condition affects your life.

If you are a person with a long term condition(s) or someone caring for a person with a long term condition(s), we would be grateful if you would complete this survey. It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete and is open to both United Kingdom and non-United Kingdom residents.

We will use the information you provide to develop standards for the way this information is recorded in clinical notes.

To access the survey please visit:

This survey closes on 16 January 2015.

If you have any questions please contact Darren Wooldridge on 0203 075 1484 / informatics@rcplondon.ac.uk

How many elves – winner!

The winner of the ‘how many elves’ was Helen Thorpe, there were 162. Helen won a lovely Hamper full of Asda goodies. Thanks to Emma from Asda who organised and donated the hamper.

Christmas closure

Centre Closure over Christmas/New Year

The Centre is open, on:
Tues 23rd for oxygen, footcare and reiki.
Tues 30th for oxygen
Wed 31st for osteopathy
Friday 2nd January for oxygen and Massage

Resuming normal hours on Monday 5th January

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, from Sue and everyone at the Centre

Fingolimod (Gilenya) not effective in primary progressive MS

Source MS Society:
“Note – While these results are disappointing, they do not affect the proven effectiveness of Gilenya in relapsing remitting MS.”
Novartis – the pharmaceutical company that manufacture Gilenya – carried out a global phase 3 clinical trial involving 940 people with primary progressive MS, known as INFORMS. The trial aimed to evaluate the effect of Gilenya (in the form of a once daily tablet) on delaying the progression of disability compared to a dummy drug.
Novartis have announced that results from this trial indicate that Gilenya is not an effective treatment for primary progressive MS. The full results will be presented at an upcoming scientific conference. Read on.