Anyone interest in a meditation class?

It is National Volunteers’ Week – this is our opportunity to say a “HUGE THANK YOU” to all of our wonderful volunteers.
We simply could not operate without you! It is your efforts that go such a long way to help so many local people living with MS. You help to bring the building to life and make the Centre such a friendly and welcoming place to be.
Once again, thank you for all that you do to help so many :0)
Four in five people with multiple sclerosis in the UK are misdiagnosed, with more than a quarter told incorrectly that they have a trapped nerve, a survey suggests.
The poll found that 39% of people with MS waited more than a year for a correct diagnosis, prompting the MS Society to warn that too many people are suffering needlessly as a result of the delays. Read on
Source MS Trust:
The media has highlighted the results of a survey published today by the MS Society about being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The survey raises issues about the challenges of being diagnosed with MS and the delays and mis-diagnoses that some people experience. It reflects many of the themes that came out in the MS Trust’srecent research into the experience of being diagnosed with MS. Read on.
Source The Telegraph
BMSTC Member, Beccy Huxtable, is one of four women who open up about the problems of finding love and maintaining relationships in the face of debilitating illnesses.
‘I worried that he wouldn’t find me attractive’: the challenges of dating with a disability. Read on
Pick up your 2015 card at reception. Amongst a myriad of other uses, it will let you use Milton Park Club pool or gym at off-peak times for £2.50 (and free for accompanying carer).
There will be a demonstration by Chris Maskell (First Aid Trainer) on the use of a de-fib and any questions, at the Annual General Meeting on
Mon 22nd June at 12.00 prompt