Thanks to Gloria, Dave and Andy who helped collect at Sainsbury’s on Sunday 5th, total raised: £264.01.
MS Society local branch newsletter July/August 2015
June 100 Club Winners

Breathing in pure oxygen could be the answer to chronic headaches
MS Society responds to High Court ruling on unlawful PIP delays
MS Society responds to High Court ruling on unlawful PIP delays
In a landmark case today, a high court judge declared that the delays experienced by two disabled people waiting for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) were “not only unacceptable… but…unlawful”. Read on.
Blank Faces – Understanding emotions in MS
Do you have trouble interpreting emotions – your own or those of others? Well you’re not alone.
A recent MS Society funded project has shed some light on the influence MS can have on emotions and how this could be managed. Read on.
Government rush ahead to roll out troubled benefit scheme

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has quietly announced a new earlier start date for reassessment of disability living allowance (DLA) claimants as they continue to roll out the troubled personal independence payment (PIP). Read on.
Supermarket collection Sainsbury’s Didcot Sunday 5th July, volunteers wanted
Aqua classes
During the rest of the summer, Andy is going to be organising aqua classes with Caroline on a private basis but members are welcome to attend too for a contibution towards the cost. The next two are on Friday July 10th and August 14th at 2.00. No notice needed-just show up at the pool.
From September we expect to have a free regular monthly class in place.