June 100 Club Winners

June winners:
1st    Linda Tierney winning £26.25
2nd  John Day winning £15.75
3rd   Ismay Ratliff winning £10.50
We need more members, numbers are down to 20, please support the centre, 50% of the winning to you, 50% to the centre.

Breathing in pure oxygen could be the answer to chronic headaches

Article in Daily Mirror 22nd June…… Breathing in pure oxygen could be the answer to chronic headaches.  Researchers at Lariboisiere Hospital in Paris are using O2 masks on 30 migrane patients.  The theory is it could help to reduce swollen blood vessels linked to migrane pain.

Blank Faces – Understanding emotions in MS

Source MS Society:

Do you have trouble interpreting emotions – your own or those of others? Well you’re not alone.

A recent MS Society funded project has shed some light on the influence MS can have on emotions and how this could be managed.  Read on.

Aqua classes

During the rest of the summer, Andy is going to be organising aqua classes with Caroline on a private basis but members are welcome to attend too for a contibution towards the cost. The next two are on Friday July 10th and August 14th at 2.00. No notice needed-just show up at the pool.
From September we expect to have a free regular monthly class in place.P1000967


The Centre has a hoist!  It does not come with a sling, we decided it would be better if the member brings in their own one from home, they will be compatible with our hoist.  Tricia (Physio) is the only person trained in it’s use.  It will enable Tricia to assess people properly on the bed and can also be used with any of the gym equipment, if necessary.