1st prize: Sue Webb
2nd prize: Angie Duncan
3rd prize: John Day
Raffle Prizes
RAFFLE PRIZES needed please for Quiz Night and Christmas Raffle. Chocolates, wine, anything you would be happy to win yourself!!
If you can think of any companies that might donate, please can you contact them or give me their details and I can contact.
Many thanks
Remember a Charity in your Will week
7-13 September 2015 is Remember a Charity in your Will week – an annual awareness week designed to encourage more people to consider leaving a gift to charity when writing a will. Three quarters of people in the UK regular give to charity in their lifetimes, yet only 7% currently include a charity when writing a will.
Leaving a gift in your will to the MS Therapy Centre need not be complicated in most cases a solicitor will be able to draft a simple form for around £100. Gifts of any size are most gratefully received and you can be sure your gift will be put to good use, enabling us to keep providing help and support.
Aquatic Exercise Classes

Recent Fundraising Events
Thanks again to our most recent event organisers:
Vera and Graeme A.(garden party, £360)
Andy & Julia G.(choir evening, over £600)
Dave H. (pub quiz night, ~£1200)
Jam Jars wanted
Bicester QuizNight Thursday
Dave Howell has arranged for us to be the beneficiaries of Quiz Night at the Nightingale in Bicester tonight (Thursday) 7.30.
If anybody would like to come too, feel free to talk to me about getting a lift.Jon
Have your say on the NICE quality standard for MS
Calling all people with MS and health professionals! We need your help to shape our response to a consultation on the key areas for improving services for people with MS.
Following the publication last year of the NICE Guideline for the management of MS in primary and secondary care (Clinical Guideline 186), NICE is now consulting on the key priorities that will help drive service improvement and improve outcomes for people with MS. These are set out in the draft NICE quality standard Multiple sclerosis in adults: diagnosis and management. Read on.
Plegridy approved for NHS in Wales
Source MS Trust:
Plegridy (peginterferon beta-1a) has been approved as a treatment for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis on the NHS by the Welsh drug regulator the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG).
Plegridy should be available on the Welsh NHS within three months, so neurologists should be able to prescribe it from late October 2015. Plegridy was approved for NHS treatment in Scotland in January. The regulatory bodies for England (NICE) and Northern Ireland have not yet considered Plegridy. Read on.
Wheelchair services in England ‘are failing’
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson has launched a new national charter to improve services across the country. Read on.