Multiple Sclerosis Patient Survey
Invitation: Multiple Sclerosis Patient Survey
Opinion Health, an independent research agency based in London, is currently inviting people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis to take part in an online survey. This survey is designed to provide a better understanding of your experience of the treatment you are receiving as well as your treatment preferences.
The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete. As a token of our appreciation for your time and interest, you will receive a £15 Amazon Gift Card if you successfully complete the survey.
IMPORTANT: There are some interactive elements in the survey designed to make it more interesting for you. Therefore we would strongly recommend accessing and completing this survey via a desktop computer or a laptop.
Please let us know if this is a problem for you. One of our team will be more than happy to assist you.
Please click on the link below for more information:
If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact us either by email on or by phone on 0207 486 6700.
Many thanks in advance,
OH Research Team
Opinion Health
11 Poland Street
London W1F 8QA
+44 (0)207-486-6700
About Opinion Health:
We are a healthcare research agency based in London. We are a member of the BHBIA (British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association), AQR (The Association for Qualitative Research), and EphMRA (European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association).
If you would rather not receive future e-mails of this sort from Opinion Health, please reply to us with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
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ECTRIMS 2015 round up
ECTRIMS (European Committee for Treatment and Research In Multiple Sclerosis) hosts the world’s largest conference devoted to basic and clinical research in MS.
This year’s meeting took place in Barcelona from 7-10 October and featured a wide range of presentations, posters and reports of new and on-going research. Read on.
Biogen says multiple sclerosis drug trial for Natalizumab was unsuccessful.
Biogen Inc. said Wednesday that a late-stage trial of a drug to treat of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis was unsuccessful. The trial of Natalizumab found that the drug was “well-tolerated” by patients but did not meet its primary and secondary endpoints. “While we’re disappointed with these results, we believe this research will provide the MS community important insights into this more advanced patient population,” said Alfred Sandrock, group senior vice president and chief medical officer at Biogen, in the press release. Shares of Biogen rose 10% Wednesday after the company beat third-quarter earnings expectations
Study on Biotin for Secondary and Primary Progressive Forms of Multiple Sclerosis
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