Could Epillepsy drug treat MS?

A study funded by the MS Society has found a drug currently used to treat epilepsy could become a neuroprotective treatment for people with all types of MS, including Progressive.  Read on.

Brunel University Study

The Centre is supporting a research study being done through Brunel University London.  Posters are displayed at the centre:


Do you have MS?

Are you able to walk on your own (with or without an aid such as a stick or crutches?)

Are you able to participate in physical activity?

Are you interested in being involved in a research project.


If the answer is yes to these questions then Brunel University are conducting a study to look at the relationship between different ways of measuring walking and its impact on everyday life.


The study involves completing a series of questionnaires, a walking test and wearing a pedometer for a week.  You do not need to change any of your daily routines during the study.


If you are interested in knowing more about this study please contact any of the people below who can give you further information.


Sarah Peacock                                                                                     Jennifer Ryan

Physiotherapist/Research Assistant                                                         Physiotherapist/Researcher

Brunel University London                                                                      Brunel University London                                                          

Tel: 01865 268702


This study has been granted ethical approval by College of Health and Life Sciences Ethics Committee, Brunel University London.  The research study is:  “The predictive value of capacity, capability and performance measures of walking ability to predict participation in community dwelling adults with Multiple Sclerosis”.

Participant Information Sheet

Disability benefits assessments costs doubled

Source MS Society:

A report by the National Audit Office has found disability benefit assessments have doubled in cost to £579 million a year.

The spending watchdog also found targets are being missed and, despite more tests being done face-to-face, the quality continues to be inadequate.  Read on.

Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Tissue Bank

The Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Tissue Bank is a national collection of central nervous system (CNS) tissue samples donated by individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease and related neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative conditions.

The vision of the Tissue Bank is one that it shares with its funding charities, the Multiple Sclerosis Society and Parkinson’s UK – that we can live in a world where the cause of these debilitating neurological conditions has been discovered, and an intervention identified that stops them from developing in susceptible individuals or stops further progression of the condition.  Find out more here.

Membership fee for 2016 due please

Happy New Year to you all.
It’s that time of year I’m afraid – Membership is due, find attached membership form.  The good news is it has been reduced this year to £20 for the first family member and £15 for subsequent family members.  Also attached are details of our 100 Club lotto, numbers cost £5 per month, a guaranteed 50% of all income is awarded as cash prizes and all the rest goes straight towards the running of the centre, WE ARE IN NEED OF MORE LOTTO MEMBERS, so please consider joining. You can pay by standing order, cheque or cash.  You need to be a member of the centre to join.  Please ask for 100 club rules.
Best wishes for a great 2016.

New consultation on Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Source MS Society:

The Government has launched a consultation on suggested changes to thePersonal Independence Payment (PIP), focussing on how an individual’s reliance on aids and appliances is assessed.

The consultation suggests a number of options including reductions to PIP or replacing it with with a one-off payment for those who receive the benefit solely because they rely on aids or appliances.  Read on.