Have you heard of trigeminal neuralgia? It’s a type of severe neck pain which can cause stabbing or burning sensations down one side of the face. Research has shown that people who have MS are more likely to experience it. Read on.
We used to run a yoga session but it ended because we did not have enough regulars. Can you let me know if you are interested in yoga and we might try and start a class up again?
New signs on disabled toilets in Tesco stores to recognise ‘invisible’ illnesses
Tesco changing the disabled toilet signs in over 700 stores is a fantastic way to raise awareness. It will help people understand that you can’t always see someone’s disability, whatever it may be. Read on.
Fresh evidence that DWP bars email communication from disabled claimants
Fresh evidence has emerged that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has refused to allow benefit claimants to communicate via email, despite its claims that it allows disabled people with “valid reasons” to do so.
Last week, one disabled PIP claimant, Mark Lucas, told how he was taking legal action against DWP for refusing to allow him to communicate with its civil servants via email as a reasonable adjustment under the Equality Act. Read on.
Hollyoaks’ Nancy Osborne faces her MS diagnosis
This week Channel 4 soap opera Hollyoaks will be broadcasting a new storyline where a main character, Nancy Osborne, finds out she has MS. Read on.
Did you know people with MS have a greater risk of developing thinning of the bones (osteoporosis)
People with MS have a greater risk of developing thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). As there are often no symptoms, it may only be discovered when you break a bone in a minor accident. MS nurses Pauline Shaw and Debbie Quinn put together these tips for keeping your skeleton healthy and strong. Read on.
New door entry system in place on Mondays and Saturdays
A new door entry system is now in place for entry into the Centre on a Monday and Saturday. This coincides with a new lone worker policy and is for the safety of our therapists working alone in the building.
To enter the centre you will need to ring the door bell to the right of the door, there is a camera and microphone, the therapist will see you and speak to you and open the door to let you in. When leaving after your appointment you will need to use a different button to exit, it is a round white button to the left hand side of the door.
Any questions speak to Sue or the therapist.
Would you like to participate in a study looking at dark coca on fatigue in MS?
PIS_ethics ms grp v2
MS-UK Survey
Please can you help by completing this short survey.
Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.
Fusion Protein, CGEN-15001, Shows Ability to Restore Immune Balance in Mice with MS
Compugen has reported new and promising results from studies on animal models of multiple sclerosis (MS) that support its lead drug candidate, CGEN-15001, as a potential treatment for a variety of autoimmune diseases, including MS. Read on.