MS-UK Survey
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Fusion Protein, CGEN-15001, Shows Ability to Restore Immune Balance in Mice with MS
Compugen has reported new and promising results from studies on animal models of multiple sclerosis (MS) that support its lead drug candidate, CGEN-15001, as a potential treatment for a variety of autoimmune diseases, including MS. Read on.
MS Patient’s Pick of the Week’s News: Diet and Exercise, Tolerability, CHANGE-MS a
Multiple Sclerosis News Today, pick of the week’s news: Diet and Exercise, Tolerability, CHANGE-MS and more. Read on.
Researchers Identify 2 Cytokines Responsible for Chronic Flares in Autoimmune Diseases
Researchers have identified two factors that allow Th17 cells — which drive multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune conditions — to form memory cells in the body and cause repeated symptom flare-ups. Read on.
Oxford Branch Newsletter
MS Nurse at Centre Monday 6th March
The MS Nurse, Sue Barnden is coming into the Centre on Monday 6th March and is offering 4 x 30 minute appointments from 10am. Speak to Sue to book your appointment.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!
Membership subscriptions now due for 2017 , either print off or available at the Centre, membership this year has reduced for ms members at £12 and non-ms members £24. Donation rates have also changed, please look at the rates on the noticeboard.
A great example of a supporting employer
“They were so supportive. I took a few days off to digest the news and they told me to come back to work when I was ready. The first thing they did was assure me that my job was safe.” We spoke to Chris about MS and the value of having a supportive employer: Read on.
Fatigue in MS and what to do about it.
“Fatigue – that horrible overwhelming inability to do another thing, sometimes even to think straight, is one of the most disabling invisible problems of MS. When I took a poll of the top symptoms that people wanted to troubleshoot in a holistic way, Fatigue was top. So here goes:” Read on.