MS Nurse at Centre Monday 6th March


The MS Nurse, Sue Barnden is coming into the Centre on Monday 6th March and is offering 4 x 30 minute appointments from 10am.  Speak to Sue to book your appointment.


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Membership subscriptions now due for 2017 , either print off or available at the Centre, membership this year has reduced for ms members at £12 and non-ms members £24.  Donation rates have also changed, please look at the rates on the noticeboard.

membership letter 2017 (1)

A great example of a supporting employer

Source MS Society:

“They were so supportive. I took a few days off to digest the news and they told me to come back to work when I was ready. The first thing they did was assure me that my job was safe.” We spoke to Chris about MS and the value of having a supportive employer:  Read on.

Fatigue in MS and what to do about it.

Interesting article from MS Nurse, Miranda.

(Note –   BMSTC offers APS Therapy, Oxygen Therapy and a range of exercise classes such as Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and Physio which can help manage fatigue.)

“Fatigue – that horrible overwhelming inability to do another thing, sometimes even to think straight, is one of the most disabling invisible problems of MS. When I took a poll of the top symptoms that people wanted to troubleshoot in a holistic way, Fatigue was top. So here goes:”  Read on.