Source MS Trust:
Relaxation techniques are activities that generate a feeling of complete peace and calm, away from daily hassles and routines.
The Mobility Roadshow
Europe’s largest test-drive and independent mobility event.
1 – 3rd June 2017 NAEX Stoneleigh, Warickshire. Free addmission and parking. Fully accessible.
Test drive and compare the latest:
Accessible vehicles, adapted driving controls, mobility scooters, ramps, wheelchairs, hoists and innovative ideas for easier mobility and much more! Visit their website here.
First treatment licensed for primary progressive MS in the US
Source MS Society:
Ocrelizumab has been approved as a treatment for both relapsing and primary progressive MS in the US. https://www.mssociety.org.uk/ms-news/2017/03/first-treatment-licensed-primary-progressive-ms-us
NICE backtracks on Biogen’s multiple sclerosis drug Zinbryta
Source pmlive.com:
Biogen’s new multiple sclerosis (MS) therapy should be available to NHS patients in England within three months after NICE reversed an earlier appraisal decision.
Ocrevus and the Hope of ‘Ending MS Forever’: Interview with MS Society’s Tim Coetzee
Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:
The potential approval of Ocrevus (ocrelizumab) this month supports the idea that, someday, a world free of multiple sclerosis (MS) is possible, according to Dr. Tim Coetzee, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s chief advocacy, services and research officer.
While Coetzee — and the society he represents — realize the potential of Ocrevus to improve MS treatment, both also acknowledge that plenty of work remains to be done to reach…
MS in the media 11th to 17th March 2017
Source MS Trust:
These are links to news stories from the last week that may be of interest to people in the UK. The link beneath each item will take you to the original story.
Please note that the MS Trust did not write the original items and does not endorse their content nor any claims made in them. Read on.
Dates for store collections, volunteers needed
Volunteers needed to collect money for 1.5hrs slots at the following:
Millets Farm Frilford on Easter Sunday 16th April
Didcot Sainsbury’s on Sunday 9th July
Millets Farm Frilford on Saturday 22nd July
Didcot Sainsbury’s on Friday 8th September
If you can spare some time we really need your help, available time slots in reception or speak to Sue or Dave for more information.
Please help.
Study to determine whether the daily consumption of cocoa has the potential to reduce fatigue in people with MS
Please note Dr Shelly Coe, Lecturer in Nutrition from Oxford Brookes University will NOT be at the Centre on Tuesday 28th March 2017 apologies for this error.
How stress affects Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:
Having any chronic illness is likely to increase stress levels and MS is no exception. However, stress is more likely to exacerbate the symptoms of MS and bring about a flare or relapse.