Physiotherapist-led pool exercise for pwMS

MS AquaPower
Physiotherapist-led pool exercise for people with MS

Venue: Ferry Leisure Centre
Diamond Place, Summertown,
Oxford OX2 7DP
Initial dates: Monday 8th, 15th, 22nd May
Time: 11.00-11.40am
Total Cost: £30 including short introductory dry land assessment
Then a 6 week block, 11.00-11.40am on:
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th June & 3rd 10th July
Cost: £8 per session, block booking required

Pre-booking and dry land introduction essential
Telephone: 07702884531

Research on Faulty Stem Cells Suggests MS Patients Need Tailored Therapies

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:

Brain stem cells from primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) patients lack the ability to repair brain damage and to trigger the maturation of protective myelin-producing cells, a surprising study with far-reaching implications indicates.

Cakes and help needed

Cakes needed for cake sale at Milton Park on Friday 5th May, can you either

– buy or make some cakes/cake? We need cookies, cupcakes, whole cakes, any cakes….?

– help on the stall between 11 and 2?