Posts By: Karen Jones

Volunteers needed for Royal Holloway University employment research study

Source Royal Holloway University:  We are looking for volunteers with Relapsing Remitting MS to take part in a new study investigating the relationship between specific mental skills and employment in Multiple Sclerosis. We will be using a new, computer-based test which we hope will be able to produce information more closely related to real life… Read more »

Fingolimod may help prevent brain volume loss in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Source Neurology Advisor: In patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), fingolimod may protect against deep gray matter (dGM) and thalamus volume loss and may also lead to slower disability progression compared with placebo, according to an analysis published in Neurology. The investigators analyzed pooled data from the FTY720 Research Evaluating Effects of Daily Oral Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis FREEDOMS and FREEDOMS II phase… Read more »

New research shows excess myelin goes to the wrong part of nerve

Source MS Society:  Researchers at the MS Society Edinburgh Centre for MS Research have found that extra myelin can be sent to the wrong part of the nerve – an important insight for MS treatments. Professor David Lyons and his team looked at what happens in zebrafish and mice when myelin making cells (known as oligodendrocytes) make more… Read more »

What causes MS?

Source MS Trust:  The causes of MS are not well understood and there are a number of factors to be considered. You may wonder whether you did something to cause your MS or if you could have stopped MS from happening to you. The answer is ‘no’. No one could have advised you how to prevent… Read more »

Why disabled people can’t afford to #DeleteFacebook

Source The Guardian:  Revelations about internet companies being negligent with our data have prompted a backlash against social media, but for many people in marginalised groups these networks are a vital lifeline It’s 10.32 on a Friday night and I am staring at the glow of my iPhone screen. It is almost three hours since… Read more »

12 Month Challenge – Daisy Harris

Daisy Harris  is doing 12 runs from this April until April 2019 in memory of her Mother. Raising money for the Centre over the year. She has already done her first challenge earlier in the month. Her fundraising page link is as follows: Here is the link to her blog if you wish to keep… Read more »

Miles to run London Marathon for MS Therapy

Miles Jones to run the London Marathon! On 22nd April 2018, MEPC’s Development Manager – Miles Jones – is running the London Marathon to raise money and awareness for the MS Therapy Centre, based at Milton Park. Join us in cheering him along, show your support and donate to raise money for this great charity. The Oxfordshire MS… Read more »