Posts By: Karen Jones

Medical Cannabis To Be Available On Prescription ‘Within Weeks’

Source Huffington Post: Medical cannabis will be available on prescription in the UK within a month, according to The Telegraph. The Home Office is expected to announce the “rescheduling” of cannabis-derived medicines in Parliament within a fortnight, lifting restrictions which mean that until now it has only been allowed in the most exceptional circumstances within a matter… Read more »

Physical Activity Decreases Vascular Comorbidities in Multiple Sclerosis

Source Neurology Advisor: Increased levels of physical activity may lead to decreased vascular risk profiles in patients with multiple sclerosis, according to a literature review published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. Researchers in this review searched for published articles in 5 major databases for studies involving physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, or exercise training and the impact these… Read more »

Benefit errors trigger £5,000 refunds

Source BBC: Assessors wrongly calculated the income of thousands of people during the process that resulted in people moving from incapacity benefit and severe disability allowance onto ESA. Tens of thousands of people on sickness benefits will receive backdated payments averaging £5,000 following government errors. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has revealed it is… Read more »

Do you ever shop online at Amazon?

    Then please do so by first going to (our website) and clicking on the amazon logo at the top of the page.  It really is that easy!   This raises about 5% of the money spent for OMSTC and does not cost you a penny! Right now we make roughly £30 a… Read more »

Photocopier urgently needed

Appeal for a photocopier for the centre, this one has died, it’s done well considering it was an ex-hired machine and we do not have a maintenance contract on it.  I’m not worried about size as long as it copies A4, preferably double sided.

“Diagnose and adios”. This was the phrase used to describe the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) up until the mid-1990s

Source MS Trust: The Risk Sharing Scheme: What is it and how has it made a difference for people with MS? Diagnose and adios “Diagnose and adios”. This was the phrase used to describe the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) up until the mid-1990s. It’s hard to fathom today, but back then neurologists had little to… Read more »

Get around with these apps for accessible travel

Source Independent Living: Travelling around the UK is certainly not easy for wheelchair users. Many wheelchair users have, in fact, faced prejudice while attempting to get around independently. Comedian, Tanyallee Davis, recently suffered and expressed her humiliation on a train journey during which the driver insisted she move from the disabled space she was rightfully occupying,… Read more »