Posts By: Karen Jones

Letter calls for ocrelizumab to be made available for people with PPMS

Source MS Trust: A letter signed by the MS Society, MS Trust, Shift MS and leading neurologists calls on NICE, NHS England and drug manufacturer Roche to make ocrelizumab available for people with primary progressive MS. Back in September, NICE announced that it would not be recommending ocrelizumab as an NHS treatment for early primary progressive MS…. Read more »

Cochrane Review of effectiveness of exercise to prevent falls

Source Independent Living: Exercise is frequently cited as a good way of helping to prevent falls, and now we have strong evidence that a programme of exercise can indeed prevent falls amongst older people living in the community. Falls are a leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Older adults suffer the greatest number… Read more »

Research Survey:

RA student PhD researcher at Loughborough University is conducting research about heat and cold in Multiple Sclerosis.Please share this link with your members so that they can complete if interested.

McTimoney Chiropractic Care starting Thursday 28th February –

Whilst chiropractic cannot halt or reverse MS, it can offer symptomatic relief of pain which comes from wheelchair use, trauma from falls and altered posture. Treatments can take place either on the bench or wheelchair users restricted in mobility can be adjusted in their chair if preferred. Chiropractic focuses on musculoskeletal care and spinal health and… Read more »

UK Experts Propose New Guidelines to Treat Women with MS Before, During, After Pregnancy

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today:  Multiple sclerosis (MS) experts in the United Kingdom have proposed consensus guidelines for the management and treatment of pregnant women with the disease, and couples affected by MS who are planning a pregnancy. The new guidelines are expected to reduce uncertainty about treatments that are considered to be safe and… Read more »

Very sad news

Sadly we lost Ed, a member and much valued and loved volunteer on Tuesday at 4am, he will be greatly missed by us all.  He did did a lot of work behind the scenes to make the centre a better place.  There is a card at the centre for his wife Pauline if you wish to sign it. … Read more »