Posts By: Karen Jones

Bookings being taken for McTimoney

Our new therapy McTimoney Chiropractor Natalie started at the centre today (28/2/19).  Feedback is very positive with repeat bookings straight away.  If you would like an appointment Natalie is in weekly on Thursday mornings.

Brave The Shave Macmillan Fundraiser

Sue’s daughter is doing ‘brave the shave’ for McMillan, as her Granddad has cancer. Feel free to donate or share. Hello. My name’s Lucy. I’m 19 and I live in Oxfordshire. I hope any money I am able to raise will go towards helping people who have been diagnosed with cancer to get support and… Read more »

Continuous Use of Gilenya for Up to 3 Years Can Lead to 50% Drop in Annual Relapse Rates, Real-world Study Says

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who began treatment with Gilenya (fingolimod) and stayed with it continuously showed a more than 50 percent reduction in annual relapse rates, a real-world study following these people for up to three years found. Results were reported in the study “Real-world durability of relapse rate reduction in patients with multiple… Read more »

Masterswitch discovered in body’s immune system

Source Science Daily: Scientists have discovered a critical part of the body’s immune system with potentially major implications for the treatment of some of the most devastating diseases affecting humans. Professor Graham Lord, from The University of Manchester, led the study, which could translate into treatments for autoimmune diseases including Cancer, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s… Read more »

MS Helpline Volunteer advert 

Are you a good listener?  100,000 people live with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the UK. Every one of them shares the uncertainty of life with MS. People are most likely to find out they have MS in their thirties, forties and fifties; news that can be scary and heart breaking. MS can get steadily worse,… Read more »

More sad news

It is with great sadness that I have to report that two of our members have sadly passed away; Martin Johns and Joy Drake.  Martin contracted a serious infection and had to be admitted to hospital where he sadly died. Funeral details will follow and Martin had requested that money from a collection at his funeral should go to the Centre. … Read more »

Brain Cells Key to Myelin Grown in Lab and Show Long-Term Survival Essential to Research, Study Reports

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: Stem cells tweaked in the laboratory have allowed researchers, reportedly for a first time, to generate and maintain ball-shaped cultures — called spheroids — of human brain cells in 3D that contain oligodendrocytes, the cells that produce myelin, along with neurons and the astrocytes that are essential to nerve cell health. These long-surviving… Read more »