Posts By: Karen Jones

Masitinib Slows Disability Progression in PPMS and Non-active SPMS, Phase 2/3 Trial Reports

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: AB Science‘s masitinib significantly slowed disability progression in people with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) and non-active secondary progressive MS (SPMS) at a lower dose of 4.5 mg/kg a day, top-line results from a Phase 2b/3 clinical trial show. Masitinib, formerly known as AB1010, is an oral therapy that inhibits the activity of cells in the innate immune system, specifically mast… Read more »


Coronavirus – Statement from the MS National Therapy Centres If you have travelled to any of the countries affected by the Corona virus please follow the protocol for self-isolation for 14 days. If you have direct contact with anyone who either has Coronavirus or who has been to a HIGH RISK area, please stay away… Read more »

NHS ‘rapid response teams’ to help sick and older people at home.

Source The Guardian: Plan aims to relieve strain on hospitals by offering a visit within two hours. Older people and the very sick will be visited within two hours by a “rapid response team” of health and care staff under new NHS plans to relieve the strain on overcrowded hospitals. The teams will include nurses, physiotherapists, occupational… Read more »

Online Fatigue- management course

Source MS Society: This online course will help you find ways to manage your MS fatigue and explain it to other people. It’s made up of 6 sessions that should take around 20 minutes each. In between the sessions are exercises for you to do, to help you think about your own fatigue. The course works… Read more »

Where are the Severe Disability Premiums?

Source Independent Living: The Court of Appeal has recently rejected the Department for Work and Pensions’ challenge to the High Court decisions that protected claimants who received severe disability premium against a drop in income when they were moved to Universal Credit. Two disabled individuals, known as TP and AR, brought the cases when their benefit… Read more »

Multiple Sclerosis Drugs Might Not Need To Reach the Brain To Have Clinical Efficacy

Source Technology Networks: Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have made an important discovery that could lead to more effective treatments for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Their work highlights the significant potential of drugs targeting a specific immune molecule (IL-17) implicated in MS. The scientists,… Read more »

Sanofi MS drug results set stage for extensive late-stage testing

Source With positive results from a mid-stage study in hand, Sanofi is pushing an experimental multiple sclerosis drug into an extensive late-stage research program comprised of four studies scheduled to begin in the middle of this year. More details from the Phase 2b study will be presented at an upcoming medical meeting, according to Sanofi…. Read more »

Gene Variants Linked to High Childhood BMI Point to Higher MS Risk, Study Finds

Source Multiple Sclerosis News Today: Genetic variations that increase body mass index (BMI) in childhood are associated with a higher risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) regardless of a person’s vitamin D levels, a study found. The study, “BMI and low vitamin D are causal factors for multiple sclerosis,” was published in the journal Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. An individual’s risk of developing… Read more »

100 club winners for January

100 club winners for January1st – Gloria, 2nd – Chris Webb, 3rd – Sarah ChappellSharing a prize fund of: £77.50.We have had a number of people drop out of the 100 club recently.  It would be great if you could support it.  It is only £5 a month.  For more information speak to Reception or Sue.You… Read more »