Posts By: Karen Jones

Will you take part in this mindfulness study?

Helen Croxon is a member of the Beds and Northants MS Therapy Centre and is a student at De Montfont University. As part of her Masters degree, she is carrying out some research into the benefits of mindfulness in MS and needs your help. She has kindly laid everything out below. If you have any questions, feel… Read more »

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING   Due to the unusual circumstances this year and social distance measures the AGM will take place via a zoom meeting on: Wednesday 23rd September, 2pm Code: 7183898662 Password OMSTC Nominations and seconders are requested for a max of 10 Committee members.  They must be emailed to Sue at ms.therapy@btconnect BEFORE the… Read more »

Patricia Sadler Osteopath

It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Patricia Sadler, has reluctantly decided to stand down from her position as Osteopath at the Centre.  Patricia has been with us for over 5 years and has also raised a significant amount of funds for the centre through her singing performances.  There… Read more »

New Procedures

New procedures to follow for oxygen therapy and gym use and oxygen questionnaire for completion, please bring with you.Any questions please email Sue at Click here to download the Covid-19 Oxygen Consent Form. Click here to download The Member Procedure Form.

Staying Healthy: MS and Diet

The government has recently launched a campaign to get everyone to be as healthy as they can be. A big part of this is diet. But for people with MS is following a special diet beneficial?  This is quite a controversial area. Some people swear by the diet they follow or supplements that they take but… Read more »

MS research updates

Two interesting pieces of research this week to bring you: New research, part-funded by the MS Society, shows that an existing drug for diabetes has the potential to boost energy production and protect nerves from damage in MS. New research suggests the diabetes drug pioglitazone could be another piece in the puzzle of stopping MS, through… Read more »

July 100 club winners

July 100 club winners: 1st Nandi Ablett 2nd Sue Doran 3rd Chris Webb Sharing a prize fund of: £72.50 Please help support the centre by joining the 100 club, it’s been a difficult year and it would really help if members would join.  £5 a month, email for more information.  Many thanks,

Coronavirus Research and MS

The coronavirus pandemic has generated an enormous amount of research, with over 40,000 papers published in the first six months of 2020. The MS Trust has been sifting through the research up to the end of June to bring you a round-up of the studies that give an idea of what coronavirus means for people with… Read more »

The centre is planning to open for Oxygen

The centre is planning to open for Oxygen initially to MS members ONLY from Thursday 3rd September.  (The gym will also be open but will need to be booked).  We will only be able to accommodate 3 people per session due to social distancing.  We are still working on the logistics of this, it is… Read more »

Drug Rejected for Secondary Progressive MS patients

NICE* has announced it will not be recommending Siponimod (Mayzent) as an NHS treatment for active Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) in England and Wales. NICE acknowledges that there are very limited treatment options for people with SPMS and clinical trials have shown that Siponimod can slow the worsening of disability. However, NICE has concluded that… Read more »