Posts By: Karen Jones

Updated member procedures from 12th April, Covid.

Procedures for ALL therapies commencing 12th April 2021 Arrive at the centre and ring the doorbell by the front door, DO NOT ENTER the building.  If someone else is waiting, wait at the bottom of the ramp until the walkway is clear AND KEEP A 2 METRE DISTANCE AT ALL TIMES Someone will come to… Read more »

Free to a good home

Levo   Type:  COMBI/XL/50/52 Bought around 2007.  Needs new batteries as it has not been charged for some time. Serviced occasionally in the earlier years. All instructions for the wheelchair and the charger are available. Contact Centre for any more information.

Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine: Under 30 and live with someone with MS?

On 7 April, the government vaccine advisers (the JCVI) announced new advice for people aged 18-30 who don’t have an underlying condition (such as MS). This could include family, partners or carers of people with MS.  If these people are going for their first jab, they should be offered an alternative to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, when possible.  This is… Read more »

Ofatumumab licensed for active relapsing-remitting MS in UK

Ofatumumab is a disease-modifying therapy (DMT) that works by targeting a type of immune cell called a B cell.  It is the first self-administered B-cell targeting therapy to be licensed in the UK. After initial guidance from a healthcare professional, ofatumumab can be self-injected at home. The licence is based on the results of two Phase III clinical trials, called… Read more »

Book your appointments NOW

All therapies are open again from next Monday 12th April.  The gym needs to be booked as social distancing is still in place. Book your appointments now!!


   £0.00 Raised this month  £859.10 Raised in total  0 New supporters  42 Total supporters     £21.20 was raised in March!   It’s a new month and there are new ways for your supporters to help raise FREE donations for your cause. We’ve put together tools for you to help spread the word. This month let supporters know how they can raise when they do some DIY… Read more »

UK to test existing drugs as treatment for MS in world-first trial

Doctors in the UK are to launch a world-first clinical trial to assess whether drugs already on the market can prevent multiple sclerosis (MS) from worsening over time and even reverse the disabilities it causes. The groundbreaking Octopus trial, so named because of its various arms, will allow researchers to investigate the potential benefits of… Read more »

Easter Raffle Winners

Easter Raffle was drawn today, thank you to those who donated chocolate.  We raised £130.  Winners: Sue! Andy Gower John Day Susan Watson Angela Day Gloria McLaughlin Laura Hall Gladys Marr Thanks to Andy for doing the draw.

Staying Smart

Staying Smart is for people who want to learn more about how MS can affect thinking. Not everyone with MS will experience cognitive difficulties. But for those who do, information can be hard to find. “Cognition” is the general word that covers all aspects of thinking. It includes memory, concentration and planning. Cognition problems in everyday… Read more »