Posts By: Karen Jones

How to cope with Christmas stress and MS

Christmas is often pictured as a time of joy and happiness. But it also brings a lot of stress and is usually very busy. When you have MS, it can affect your daily life and symptoms. Helena, from the MS Trust Information and Engagement team, explores some ideas on how to reduce Christmas stress. Read the… Read more »

Love to Move movement through dance introduction workshop – MS-UK webinar, Wed 14 Dec

MS-UK welcome Bridget Poulter who is a ‘Love to Move’ dance instructor and will be providing the opportunity to understand the benefits of movement through dance in this introduction session online. Date: Wednesday 14 December Time: 2pm to 3pm The British Gymnastic Foundation (BGF) devised Love to Move based on Japanese research on the benefits… Read more »

MS and Driving webinar: MS Society – 28 November

Join this online session with Dr. Anuraj Varshney, Programme Lead for Driving Assessment and Outdoor Mobility Education Programme. Dr. Varshney leads an ever-expanding service providing specialist clinical input and skills, he has 32 years’ experience working with patients with various physical and neurological conditions. He will discuss the medical fitness to drive assessment and how… Read more »

Invite new supporters for £10 bonus donations!

Sign up new supporters now so they are ready to raise donations for you during the biggest shopping period of the year! Plus, with our NEW referral bonus, when they go on to raise their first £10, we’ll double it*!You can invite as many new supporters as you like before the end of November and earn UNLIMITED £10… Read more »

Stamp extension

You now have until the 31st of July 2023to use first and second class stamps without barcodes. Royal mail has extended its deadline to use all stamps with the Queens profile on by six months. You can also pick up swap forms from the post office.

MS-UK workshop – Diet, supplements and gut microbiome – Wed 23 Nov

This online session takes a look at the popular MS diets, supplements and latest research on gut microbiome, helping to improve MS symptoms.   This workshop reviews the MS-UK ‘Diet and Supplements’ Choices booklet which has been updated with the latest information on diet and nutrition for MS. The booklet provides a comprehensive review of the… Read more »

The Access Card

The Access Card (sometimes referred to as the CredAbility Card or a Nimbus Card) is a card which translates your disability or impairment into symbols that highlight the barriers you face and the reasonable adjustments you might need. This then informs providers quickly and discreetly about the support you need and may gain you access… Read more »