Alison Diamond will be running the London Marathon on Sunday 2nd October to raise funds for the MS Therapy Centre

Please sponsor her on the link below………….

There is a paper sponsorship form in Reception at the centre for those who do not with to sponsor online.

Alison says; I will be running the 2022 London Marathon and am thrilled to be fundraising for the Oxfordshire MS Therapy Centre. It is a meaningful charity for me to be supporting, because my mother suffered from MS for many years, and I know she would have benefited hugely from having access to the complementary therapies provided here

I took up running 11 years ago, because running a marathon had been on my bucket list of things to do for many, many years! I ran my 1st marathon in New York City in 2011, and have been an avid runner ever since. I was fortunate to be able to run the London and NYC marathons last year – both experiences were incredible, thanks to the amazing spectators along the way who cheered us the whole time!  This year, at London, will see me running my 20th marathon.

However, before I run London, this August will be my greatest running challenge yet – as I will be running 120 miles across the Rockies in Colorado, USA, in 6 days. I’m half excited and half terrified at the same time!

In the meantime, I look forward to visiting the centre this summer to learn more about all the wonderful therapies that take place here.