Healthwatch Oxfordshire Survey – Are you waiting for NHS Hospital treatment or care?

Healthwatch Oxfordshire would like your help  – We’d like to hear about experiences of waiting for the hospital appointment or care people need. We’d also like to know what advice, information, or support the NHS has given you while you wait.

This survey is for people who are waiting now. It is also for people who have had a hospital appointment or care in the last 18 months. When you answer the questions, please tell us about your most recent experience. Or, if you have been waiting for multiple treatments, or have received one and are waiting for another, the survey can be completed more than once.

Could you please share the following link with your members so that we can hear about their experiences

The survey will close on Tuesday 9th November


Everything you tell us is confidential and will help the NHS understand how it can better support people like you waiting for treatment.

We are carrying out this survey in partnership with Healthwatch organisations in Bucks, Reading, West Berks and Wokingham Borough.

We will share the results of this survey with local NHS managers in a report. We will also publish the report online so that members of the public can read it and also read how local NHS organisations respond to our recommendations.

As with all of our surveys, you can contact us by calling 01865 520520 or emailing we can help to fill in the survey. Or people can talk to a member of the Healthwatch Oxfordshire team in more detail about their experiences.

Should you wish to have a hard copy poster to display, please let me know and I can arrange to have one sent out to you.

Kind regards


Emma Teasdale

Community Involvement Officer

Mobile number: 07958 713812

Please note my working days are Monday to Friday