Procedures for ALL therapies commencing 19th July

 Arrive at the centre and ring the doorbell by the front door,

someone will come and take your temperature and ask you to

confirm you have no symptoms of Covid19.

 Use the automatic hand sanitiser as you come in by the bookcase

on the left. If this is not working use the one on the desk in


 Masks are not compulsory, but are advised.

 Socialising is now allowed and you are welcome to stay for tea,


 Extra cleaning and sterilisation will continue throughout the

centre including therapists rooms, oxygen chamber, toilets etc.

 Please continue to bring your own towel and gown/blanket as


If you feel unwell you should not come in and if you feel

unwell within 2 weeks of being at the centre you will

need to tell us promptlyMember procedures covid commencing 19 June 21.docOpen with Google DocsPage 1 of 1