Updated procedures during Tier 4

Unfortunately from Boxing Day Oxfordshire goes into Tier 4.  Following guidance from MNSTC a decision has been made that we cannot offer complimentary therapies.  For our centre we can only offer physiotherapy, osteopathy, footcare and oxygen which are classed as ‘essential’ therapies, which means massage, acupuncture and the gym will not be on offer. This will come into effect from Boxing Day.  This is very unfortunate and not a decision that has been taken lightly.  I hope we can get our complementary therapies back running very quickly.  
Procedures have also had to be tightened, please read the updated procedure attached.   Of note:

  • Please only turn up at your appointment time,
  • If you arrive early please wait in your car.
  • No seating available in reception.
  • No hanging around in reception before or after appointments
  • No chatting in the oxygen chamber. 
  • Payments can be made online by bacs to avoid people in reception (ask for bank details)
  • Please read the updated procedures.